
joined 1 year ago
[–] loaExMachina 5 points 2 weeks ago

Littéralement enfant feignant de se faire marcher dessus, mais là botte est à la main.

[–] loaExMachina 5 points 2 weeks ago

Don't forget Lise Meitner!

[–] loaExMachina 8 points 2 weeks ago

Yep, except that in fundamental science, proving that things are more complex than previously thought can be an exciting outcome!

[–] loaExMachina 1 points 2 weeks ago

I personally use Fedilab for Mastodon, but idk if that makes such a difference. There isn't really a discover feature that I know off, but remember to follow not only people, but also hashtags! This'll show you stuff you're interested in, and then you can follow the people posting stuff you like.

You also have a local feed that shows stuff from the instance where your account is hosted, it turns handy especially if you've chosen an instanced themed around one of your centers of interest.

[–] loaExMachina 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Et oui, je nique le système Jamy !

[–] loaExMachina 5 points 2 weeks ago

It's also been mentioned in other parts of this thread, but the holy foreskin has been considered an important relic, and there are accounts of many kings like Charlemagne having owned it.

[–] loaExMachina 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Then I guess this makes you an Arian heretic. /s

[–] loaExMachina 37 points 2 weeks ago

Why bring Donald Trump into this?

[–] loaExMachina 2 points 2 weeks ago

This is your kingdom come

[–] loaExMachina 19 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Does Jesus have a gender tho? As stated above, Jesus has a fully human body and nature (or else you are deemed a heretic by the council of Chalcedon). He is described as a man and several churches and rulers have historically claimed to hold a piece of his foreskin, so he must've had a penis. Therefore:

  • Either Jesus was agender despite having a penis, therefore penis doesn't imply male gender or
  • Jesus was male. So either:
    • Jesus and God don't have the same gender, so they aren't the same entity, which the councils of Nicea and Chalcedon would deem a heresy, or
    • God can manifest as male or agender, making Them genderfluid.
[–] loaExMachina 2 points 2 weeks ago

Unless the ornithoscelida hypothesis turned out true...


Il y a quelques semaines, nous déplorions la mort de plusieurs médecins et journalistes humains installés sur Glièse 627-c dans le cadre de leur travail avec l'association "Médecins Interstellaires". Malgré une vidéo floue qui semblait montrer des missiles similaires à ceux utilisés par Gulgurnaksjam frappant leurs vaisseau à plusieurs reprises, et des cris, à peines audibles dans l'enregistrement, qui selon certains voulaient dire "à l'aide, les vaisseaux Gulgurnaksjam nous attaquent !"; rien de concret ne permettait de dire ce qui leur était arrivée, et la thèse privilégiée par les enquêteurs étaient celle d'une attaque des terroristes Globstiblocs. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui. En effet, Skrragolgo!ʁak a depuis déclaré qu'il avait bien tué des humains, justifiant qu'ils étaient "sur son chemin".

Il semblerait donc que ces sots se soient mis en danger et aient par la même occasion entravé l'effort de guerre Gulgurnaksjam. Skrragolgo!ʁak a ensuite rajouté :

"Ma volonté est celle de l'univers, la mort est le destin de ceux qui s'y opposent."

Questionné par une journaliste extrémiste sur la légalité de son intervention, il aurait répondu

"Il n'y a nulle loi plus haute que ma parole, ni plus haut magistrat que mon canon".

À méditer ! L'impertinente journaliste s'est par la suite suicidée d'une balle d'antimatière dans le dos.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by loaExMachina to c/[email protected]

L'espace est souvent décrit comme l'ultime frontière. Cependant, les valeurs de la république ne connaissent aucunes frontières, elles sont universelles ! Ainsi, sa majesté Skrragolgo!ʁak l'Omnipotent, du Saint Empire Interstellaire de Gùlguʁnakjsam adhère lui-aussi à nos idées démocratique, et se bât pour les propager dans tout le système de Glièse 627. Nous avons donc tout intérêt à le soutenir dans son combat, et par la même, exporter les produits, la culture et les idéaux Français par-delà les étoiles.

Vive la république, vive la France !

~Discours présidentiel de 2069 pour justifier la vente d'armes à Gùlguʁnakjsam alors qu'ils commettent un génocide contre les Globstiblocs

Monke (sh.itjust.works)
Can you? (sh.itjust.works)

I left went down the stairs from my apartment and saw a poster. It said one of the inhabitants had reported seing strange dark silhouettes and hearing demonic laughs in the building stairs.

I didn't take it seriously. In fact, I found ot so risible that I laughed out loud as I left... But the laugh came out quite demonic.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by loaExMachina to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by loaExMachina to c/[email protected]

When I first learnt English, I thought this type of formulation only worked with a few verbs like "do", "have","should" (ex: "Should I do this? No, I shouldn't.")

More recently I also encountered "Need I?" and "needn't", tho they're more rarely used. But this got me wondering, is it still an exceptional construction, with "need" being one of the exceptions, or can it be done with every verbs? For example, are the following sentences correct:

  • Read you mangas? No, I readn't them.
  • Grow they potatoes? No, they grown't these.
  • Sounds it like a good idea? No, it soundsn't.

I know talking like this would raise a few eyebrows, but does it break any established rule?


publication croisée depuis : https://sh.itjust.works/post/16900126

Meme/fanart of the great webcomic


Meme/fanart of the great webcomic


There are many mobile apps that help stream or download podcasts from different sources, I've mostly used Podverse until now. But this app, and the other ones I've tried like AntennaPod or Podcini are all better suited to follow podcasts as they come out, adding the new ones to the queue when they're added.

They're a bit less practical for those like history podcasts that you'd want to listen to in chronological order, even if you start it when there are hundreds of episodes out. It's possible to show oldest episodes first, but you still have to manually scroll down or search the next episode everytime. Is there any way in one of these apps or another one to automatically add the next episode (by release date) to the queue?

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