The white numbers on the blue sections look like they’re floating to me. Kinda a cool optical illusion tbh
I poop now, as I read this, in solidarity ✊
I unknowingly took a pic of the bebe clouds under the massive mushroom part because I couldn’t see the rest of that impressive part from my perspective. I was so bummed I didn’t get to see it, fully, when the news was going on about it hahahaha
That cloud reminds me of this massive ass cloud we had in Utah over the summer https://www.fox13now.com/news/photo-galleries/photos-strange-looking-cloud-spans-across-the-northern-utah-sky
Parking lot sky needs more light, telephone, and electric poles in it which obscures the pretty sky.
I feel like a matchmaker of memes
Hank Hill lookin body…
Laughs in PS VR2
Okay. Maybe even dumb it down a little more? Just in case someone out there still doesn’t get it. Not me, I get it. Just someone else might not, and what about them you know?!