Do you know where this is from? It looks like ss13 but that's way too niche
It depends on how it works, 14 days and then the friend has to buy it or renewed every 14 days. If it is the latter and if it eventually goes online (which I think it will with the online subscription) it is a way, not the best way but a way, to stop scammers from building up massive stolen libraries because, unlike piracy, these games would actually be getting stolen from whoever lent it out since they can't play them. If it is 14 days and then the friend has to buy the game, it's a stupid limit.
He is telling Americans to speak out now before Trump stops them from speaking out
I can't find it anywhere, I must have mis-remembered
Aspyr, the ones who made the civ 6 port
Randomly generated by reddit 5 years ago
Space station 14 is the only game I enjoy that I don't look forward to launching because I know once I start it's a 80/20 chance I will either have the greatest gaming experience ever or be bored for 2 hours (and a 100% chance of playing until 3am). 10/10 would reccomend
VR hasn't failed, the investors' dream to make it replace real life so they can fill it with ads has failed because, shockingly, people prefer to live in real life. It's the same way (most) people don't spend all their time playing normal games
I still think you should be strict on exploits. There was one a few patches ago where you could dupe but it ruined every server someone did the exploit on. Maybe delete posts that show how to do exploits and ones that don't link to the issue council?
I don't remember if I could see any from that end of the galaxy. I know you can see andromeda from sol, the closest star to andromeda is Star One. I've never been there so I don't know how difficult it is to reach but it will give you a view similar to this but with other galaxies instead of just black.
Hell yeah