[-] [email protected] 53 points 2 months ago

You have sudden onset chest pains and lethargy? Well I see your boobs are nicely sized but the rest of you could lose weight, I prescribe you with diet and exercise and diagnose you with anxiety because you thought you needed to come in. I can prescribe you both control if you continue to be anxious.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 3 months ago

Most people can't fight it. Fighting a claim, depending on insurance, requires multiple different Doctors recommending the same thing. Sometimes the insurance requires prior steps taken that are unavailable to individuals (I was required to take antibiotic that I'm allergic to before a surgery). Getting into a specialist can take months, and the costs of seeing a specialist are not often covered at all (goes towards deductible), and unless you live in or near a city you may not be able to find specialists you don't need to get a hotel to see (travel expenses and time off work are not covered). Not to mention, if fighting a denied claim rolls over to the next year, everything starts over, even if you have the same insurance it's considered a new policy because it's a new year.

Unless you have unlimited time and money, fighting a denied claim is pretty difficult and goes nowhere fast. That's how the system was designed.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well, if you question it, you are a bad person and going to hell. It's not that God doesn't love you, but you are forcing God to send you to hell because you are choosing to question.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 4 months ago

How is this a science meme?

[-] [email protected] 35 points 4 months ago

50% don't like it, 10% don't care, 40% support it. The part that supports it is good at gerrymandering.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 5 months ago

Exercise and processing emotion without letting yourself explode from it. Then, assess how you felt and determine how to avoid the situation in the future. If possible, talk to the person or people who you would like to build a better, healthier relationship with. Or, leave that portion of your life if possible, if it is truly toxic.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 5 months ago

That is the best thing I've read all day. 10/10 personal ad

[-] [email protected] 43 points 5 months ago

Being an American requires respect of others, originally different religions, and now encompass race. Who still cares about hair style as long as it isn't whipping in someone else's face.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 5 months ago

Unless it defrosted and refroze multiple times it should be fine to eat.

It might have freezer burn, which means the water content went to the outside of the food, so the inside could be dry and the outside could be wet. I would say for beans and rice, just mix it up.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 6 months ago

Who are you going to believe? Me? Or some woman?

[-] [email protected] 34 points 7 months ago

Pretty sure that's what people refer to when they say Christian values.

[-] [email protected] 38 points 7 months ago

Not just per household. I know one who shit talks previous women he kept sleeping with, knowing they wanted kids when he didn't, because the women kept the kids. I learned he was a Trump supporter because we talked about abortion when federal rights were removed. He had many opinions that don't make sense individually, but upon my promoting he admitted he wanted control and men should have the full right to decide what happens to a women's body, either the dad or the man who she is currently sleeping with, those two can determine what happens to her, but women should have no autonomy. He isn't the smartest and I'm sure was repeating what others have told him, but the entitlement is intense.

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