I don't think it needs banned, but I would be completely unfussed if it got banned. And I wholeheartedly support just downvoting the beans out of anything sourced from there in the meantime.
See the problem with this though, is that if everything's just pretend and made up, then I can't get mad about Elon Musk's "Nazi Salute". And yet, there are abundant red flags showing a rise in fascism, that if ignored, may very well permanently alter the world order and our standard of living. In the past 48 hours there was a significant chance the supply of coffee that drives most of my economic output could be disrupted or tariffed.
And, that's because a lot of this comes back to the connotation of the word, "pretend". Replace it with the word, "Idea", and you get sort of the same concept, but suddenly the non-existent thing sounds much more powerful.
Lol. They were trying their damndest to get me and my family to install that. I'm like... there's a bit of a conflict of interest there. I can see some value in having location data of your family, who's driving too fast, if someone's in an accident. I will absolutely not be sharing that data with the company that earns money for its shareholders by outperforming the statistical likelihood of paying me money, by finding every way possible to not pay me money.
On a guy who boldly claimed he could get away with murder, no less.
I could see where it might set a bad precedent. But the week I spent in Vegas, there was a constant sign running an ad that you could bet on the Presidency, and I can't think of a single good argument about how betting on a trial is more dangerous than betting on the office that can undo any federal crime with a pen stroke.
NGL, when I first saw Warner making a public fuss over this, I had a bit of a reaction. Like, no one comes after my boy steam, I like my games and I like my platform. And maybe it's because I don't engage in many public multiplayer games these days, but I just haven't really come across this extremist content frequently enough to feel Congress needs to get involved.
I can see from the comments, my anecdotal experiences aren't the whole picture. And I do get that sometimes in an otherwise free market, regulation is necessary to prevent a situation where a company does the right thing and then suffers financially from the backlash/boycott that ensues. Better to let the government be the ones to take the heat by those that get upset by the moderation.
But I also kind of agree with the sentiment, Congress needs to clean up its own hate speech and ethics, before further legislating what everyone else should be doing.
Restaurant guy: one of your employees probably taking a little smoke break.
I never used to understand the people that just left a poop bag alongside the road, but suddenly now I feel like I understand exactly what exchange led to that choice.
It's in a bag, though, right? I mean, if old lady is just naked hand fisting shit into the trash can there's bigger problems to tackle there.
The most complex object in the universe ... according to the brain.
Judging by the stock price decline that didn't start last week, but rather has been ongoing for ~~months~~years, you're spot on. This is exactly what the market was expecting.
Piracy is still alive and well, especially in the Pacific and around nations with less powerful naval defenses. It's probably to push back against piracy, especially with much the rest of the world turning towards "me first" attitudes and an island nation's heavy reliance on trade for prosperity. It may also be that the agreement to purchase an aircraft carrier might extend the willingness of other nations to continue helping to protect the trade routes: like it's a show of good faith that they're helping too and not putting all the burden on other countries.