The punchline only exists if somebody sets themselves up for it. Be the change you want to see in the world.
It’s really funny how much worse something can be than “four ascending notes repeating”
There’s one group responsible for the division, and it ain’t the irish.
Average abomination that comes out of ingame character creators
I think we all know what the party of small government and states rights thinks of states doing things they don’t agree with.
Ah yes, the pinnacle of toxicity, asking for solutions rather than meaningless grandstanding.
You could be productive, like discussing how to better influence primaries to have not shithead democrats, or campaign for rcv, instead you’ve offered no functional solutions and act like we should view your smugness as superior?
Railguns, right down their gullet. Basically the only reason to make the personal ones, but damn if they aren’t good at what they do.
also fuck tankies
I could simply purchase several 🤷🏻♂️
What’s the loudest air horn one can legally purchase?
Ah yes, my favorite type of meme: “DAE think things that require thinking are autistic??????????”
Somehow it’s okay for autism but the “R word” is highly offensive. I guess it’s supposed to be a good thing because we gatekeep an attention span longer than fifteen seconds behind being autistic?