If you admit they probably already know and can find “troublemakers”, what’s the point of your comment?
Make damn sure there is real trouble involved. This is a pretty tame and accessible way to do it, but baby steps.
If you admit they probably already know and can find “troublemakers”, what’s the point of your comment?
Make damn sure there is real trouble involved. This is a pretty tame and accessible way to do it, but baby steps.
The counterargument that works for me is - why must it be terrifying to return to nothing? It’s something immutable. We weren’t owed anything by the universe - why bemoan what we don’t have, when we could enjoy that which we do?
Take a walk outside. Read a book. Snuggle something furry. It’s perfectly natural to fear death, but if it stops you from enjoying your life, isn’t that a little self defeating?
There is a distinct type of person, very good at one thing, that is unable to understand that doesn’t translate to the rest of their life. Easiest to describe them as a high int, low wis character.
There is a minority of the Trans community that can best be summarized by the observation that “calling everyone they/them as a rule” is unacceptable to this subsection. You must be utterly inclusive to everyone, without hesitation and unquestioningly - first it was someone demanding to be called a goddess, then someone insisting they identified as a dragon. To the uninformed outsider (me), they sound exactly like that one theater kid every school had, but it’s just as likely that they’re just a troll taking the piss out of the inclusivity of the community, which is almost funnier.
I think most people can agree if you don’t wanna be your birth assigned gender, sure! Go for it. But I’m not playing along with someone’s sexual fantasy, I’m just gonna use they/them. .blahaj admins feel differently, and that’s their prerogative - 196 already fractured from that subsection over this issue.
What a well adjusted individual, definitely not an agent provocateur.
Finally, a compromise with the fascists I can get behind.
That would assume there is a “centrist” out there that isn’t just a conservative that doesn’t want to deal with the public consequences of being one. Surely they must, but I have yet to encounter one.
Dude, I know a chud just like you in real life, also chronically unfuckable (Muh aD hOMiNeM!). Y’all should start a podcast or something about how reagonomics was actually the savior of liberal democracy.
There’s already mods doing it now that are absolutely doing it better than Bethesda will.
“Everyone that has ever even thought about roleplaying as a different gender is secretly closeted trans” is one of my least favorite takes of all time.
Gender is bullshit! Try shit! It’s a perfectly healthy and normal thing everyone should be comfortable with, don’t make it into a thing.