There's always an xkcd. After seeing the one in 2017, I could not believe how many people would not listen to me about how much they needed to be there for the 2024 one. "Yeah, i can see 90% at my house. It'll be close enough". No!!! No it won't!
ABC agreed to settle a defamation lawsuit that they could have easily won. Apparently, they thought it would be better to just give Trump money than it would be to piss him off by fighting it.
I really loved police academy. Rewatched it recently with our late teen kids-wow, does it have some racial and queer jokes that made us all very uncomfortable. the rest is still gold though.
Porque no los dos?
On Wednesday in Miami, Trump said federal workers should “show up to work in person like the rest of us,”
That sounds about right
Minority? I don't know.
Do you understand the needs and desires of my 17 yo child better than I do? Definitely not!
As a parent, will I be consulting you when making decisions about what procedures to allow? No, fuck off. I'll stick with the doctors, psychologists, and my child. Together, we'll figure out what makes sense for us. The government doesn't need to be involved.
That's rough. Thanks for sharing. It sucks that there are people like that who are just looking to exploit others. I hope that you've found some better friends since then and are getting the support that you need.
No, it's completely unbelievable. There's no way whatsoever that the state of Texas would disclose that they were taking pics.
i Am A cOnStItUtIoNaLiSt
Can you tell us about one of the worst decisions you've made as a result? How'd that situation turn out?
How do you spell the throw up in your mouth sound?