
joined 2 years ago
[–] ArbitraryValue 1 points 48 seconds ago

I would have been spiteful enough to return my new laptop (despite needing it for a trip I had in a couple of days) if I wasn't able to bypass the account requirement by disabling the wifi.

[–] ArbitraryValue 15 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

Is this a "forced out by Trump" resignation, a "forced out by the university" resignation, or a "protest against capitulation" resignation?

[–] ArbitraryValue 11 points 11 hours ago (4 children)

People are openly selling AI art?

[–] ArbitraryValue -4 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (1 children)

49.8%, but 50.8% of those voters who didn't lodge a protest vote. I have more respect for the protestors than for the people who didn't vote at all (they literally don't count for anything) but the protesters still had something to do on election day which they thought was more important than helping determine who would be the next President.

As for his policies polling negatively: I don't care, unless they're policies that he didn't campaign on. (And even in that case, the voters still chose the dangerously unpredictable candidate.) Frankly, I have more respect for those Republicans who are happy with what's going on than for the ones experiencing buyer's remorse. At least they're good at being bad, rather than grossly negligent.

With that said, I do think it's funny that if only about 0.8% of the voters had chosen otherwise then my assessment of the American national character would be dramatically different. I admit that I'm not entirely rational about this.

[–] ArbitraryValue 1 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (8 children)

The thing is, Trump is the legitimate ruler (I won't say leader) of the USA. He didn't conceal his cruelty, his ignorance, and his plans for the country. Most Americans who cared enough to express their opinion asked for that cruelty and ignorance, and the chaos we're seeing now is simply democracy in action.

(Trump is attacking that democracy, but that's also something the majority asked for. Why should the USA's former democratic values be imposed on a people that rejects them?)

[–] ArbitraryValue 5 points 1 day ago

I take whatever part of the responsibility remains after all the blame is removed.

[–] ArbitraryValue 42 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

He's exercising (or attempting to exercise) much more executive power than prior Presidents. Even if he has dementia (and I doubt he does) then whoever gives him papers to sign clearly has no intent to minimize the amount of damage he could do.

[–] ArbitraryValue 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Having $2,000 is better than having $2, but in practice I'm usually skeptical that plans to achieve an outcome like that will work out rather than failing and leaving both of us with $1. The manner in which the outcome would be achieved also matters - some of the plans seem to me like proposals to just steal the money and I object to that on moral rather than economic principles.

(I don't mean to imply that people I disagree with think that stealing is OK, but rather that they and I don't agree on the definition of stealing.)

[–] ArbitraryValue 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm not one of those few completely uncompromising libertarians who don't want public roads - I actually think the government should be doing all the things you list, and I pay my taxes. I do prefer individualistic ways of doing things, but I'm pragmatic and there are many problems for which the collectivist solution is the only practical solution. When I say I'm fiscally conservative, I mean that I think society should be more libertarian than it is now, not that it should be absolutely libertarian.

[–] ArbitraryValue 15 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (10 children)

I'm someone who actually calls myself socially liberal but fiscally conservative, and that's because my primary concern (in the terms of moral foundations theory) is the liberty/oppression axis. In other words, I think leaving people alone is a good thing, and while it's not the only good thing and it needs to be balanced against other concerns, we should still be doing it more than we are now.

Two caveats:

  1. I'm socially liberal because a free society requires tolerating even the people you hate. This is hard, and even many people who consider themselves tolerant because they simply don't hate a particular group aren't (and often don't want to be) tolerant in this sense.

  2. I'm economically conservative because the freedom to act without government interference even in an economic context has great inherent worth (but I'll repeat here that I don't value it to the exclusion of all else) but also because the free market usually does a better job than central planning at making everyone prosperous. I don't care much about wealth inequality - a world in which I have two dollars and you have two million dollars is a better place than a world in which we both have just one dollar.

Edit: in practice I always end up voting for moderate Democrats at the national level, both because I think social issues are generally more important than economic issues and because neither party usually does what I would want regarding economic issues. However, I have more options at the state and local level.

[–] ArbitraryValue 11 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Texting would be so impersonal. The polite way to do things is to accidentally hand over the documents in person.

[–] ArbitraryValue 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Criticism from Democrats is not going to have any effect.


When I was a teenager, I thought people in their 20's were the most attractive. Now that I'm about 40, I still think people in their 20's are the most attractive. It's hard for me to believe that I might ever be attracted to someone past retirement age, even when I'm past retirement age myself, unless the person is like one of those celebrities who look way younger than they are.

This isn't something I can comfortably ask most older people I know, but there's one man who admits that he isn't and one woman who is. Which is more normal?


"Deleted" sounds so casual too, like God did it as part of some routine cleanup.


I live a bachelor lifestyle, so I have no food in here. Just alcohol. I hope the mouse figures that out and goes away. I should get some traps in case it doesn't. I hate killing animals but there's no practical alternative.

Share if you agree! (
I got a parking ticket. (self.dull_mens_club)

I was supposed to move my car last night but I forgot. The ticket is for $65 but I found a dollar on the ground near my car so I'm actually only out $64.

I set an alarm in my calendar so I won't forget next time.


It'll cost $9 each time. They're raising money for the mass transit system by charging specifically those people who don't use the mass transit system and that feels really unfair to me.


Archive link.

As recently as February, Mr. Walz said on a podcast that he had been in Hong Kong, then a British colony, “on June 4 when Tiananmen happened,” and decided to cross into mainland China to take up his teaching duties even though many people were urging him not to.

But it was not true. Mr. Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, indeed taught at a high school in China as part of a program sending American teachers abroad, but he did not actually travel to the country until August 1989.

Why bother making something like this up?


Pretty much every major shopping website has terrible search functionality.

I usually want something very specific, for example 60w dimmable e12 frosted warm led bulb. I have not found a single shopping website that won't show me results without many of these terms in the description. I don't want to see listings that say 40w and don't say 60w anywhere, and it isn't hard to filter them out!

Are these shopping websites bad on purpose? What's in it for them?


Before covid, I would be sick with a cold or flu for a total of about two weeks every year. That means I spent 4% of my time sick; one out of every 25 days. Since covid appeared, I've been wearing an N95 in crowded indoor areas whenever I reasonably can. (Obviously I can't if I'm eating something.) My main goal initially was to protect my elderly relatives, but during the last four years I have not gotten sick even once, except from my elderly relatives who didn't wear masks, got sick, and then infected me when I was caring for them.

Why isn't everyone wearing N95s? Sure, it's uncomfortable, but being sick is much more uncomfortable. And then there's the fact that wearing an N95 protects other people and not just the wearer...


There appears to be no straightforward way to permanently stop Windows 11 Home from rebooting on its own after installing updates. I looked for workarounds but so far I have only found a script that has to run on a schedule to block the reboot by changing "working hours". (Link.)

Is that really the best that is possible?


I live in a 20-story building built in 1929 and I want to do some minor renovations on my apartment. I've worked on a basic modern house made of 2x4s and drywall, but I'm out of my league here. I don't even know how to hang a mirror up on the wall...

If it's made of gypsum brick, can I treat it like masonry? What if it's hollow? Can lathe-and-plaster support any significant weight? Is drilling into the wall going to release some ancient evil they used as a normal construction material back then?

I'd love to find a guide for how to do even the basic things in these buildings. Does anyone have recommendations?

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