Where are all the 2nd amendment fans who are supposed to resist a tyrannical government with their guns??? This is your time to shine!!
I dont feel terror or endangered by CEO killing vigilantes (as long as they have good aim and dont cause collateral damage). I'm sure the rest of the general public also feels safer without these CEO psycopaths walking around.
"Thanks, Obama!!! Crooked Hillary did this to me!"
-- trump voters after getting hurt by trump
All of those reasons, but 90% so that i can eat a stupid amount of food
I started running 120km weeks last year and one of the hardest parts of the training was eating enough
Democracy is being dismantled in broad daylight. I dont see any angry crowds out (besides the presidents day rallies)
I doubt anyone will get off their couch for luigi, despite all the rhetoric you see online
Dying in a car crash takes so many forms. Instantly crushed by a truck? Or die slowly in the hospital?
But i imagine dying in an airplane almost always involves 20mins of sheer terror as you plummet towards the earth knowing that you will die, or if you might survive and be floating in the ocean for days.
Day 1 kcd2 has been pretty good.
Only 1 bug so far forced me to save/exit. But no crash to desktop or anything game breaking so far (knock on wood)
Agreed. Medical data leak is medical data leak.
You could even say that a medical file showing someone transitioned might be just as damaging or dangerous as nude photos
I'm not talking about how the victims should feel, i'm talking about journalistic integrity.
The headline makes it sound like the doctor took "noodz" for fun... These are medical photos.
It's like calling a urologists case files a treasure trove of dick-pics
This is a misstep. You don't admit stuff like this on election campaigns.
I'd rather hear the truth than some obvious bullshit like "we'll cut taxes, maintain service levels, AND balance the budget!"
If i had money to throw at a colnago, i'd rather buy one of their models hand built in italy.
AFAIK, these models they use for racing are all made in china (at least the ones they sell to the public)