- powell ousted from the fed and govt seized control, leading to a massive change in fed funds rate
- prison for political enemies of trump, specifically schiff, pelosi, and a few of the louder voices in the room. Prison for some state leaders, MA and CA especially
- nationwide ban of gay marriage, nationwide laws against abortion
- capital gains reduced significantly, 20% now down to 10%
- vpn ban
- trump pushing for national acceptance of a cryptocurrency he has significant stake in, as an official act
- palestine, ukraine, and taiwan falling. Tremendous suffering continues or starts for the people of those nations
- Russia furthers its invasion into europe
- Muslims begin to be treated as scapegoats for trumps vitriol, the next victims after general immigrant deportations
- A new amendment to the constitution is proposed and passes to allow more terms for trump, with clearly questionable acceptance in state legislatures, perhaps under direct threat of jail
God I hope I'm wrong.