
joined 3 months ago
[–] neidu3 24 points 10 hours ago

Positive contribution to a community is more important than following the rules strictly. If a thread technically is against the rules, but is relevant to the community and has positive interaction, it usually gets a pass from me.

[–] neidu3 3 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (3 children)

Sounds like such a block would be highly dependant on a specific recorder + driver combo. In the name of science I'll do some experimentation tonight.

UPDATE: Worked just fine for me.

Netflix running Bojack Horseman in Firefox under Linux Mint, stock NVIDIA 550 driver, and replay-magic as screen recorder.

[–] neidu3 4 points 12 hours ago (7 children)

There's probably a better way, but you could go for a low-brow approach: use a screen recorder on your PC and let the video play. Then you trim the recording and encode it to your format of choice.

[–] neidu3 6 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

After proving that I wasn't a bot via Matrix, activated my e-mail despite having an obviously bogus e-mail registered, so that's a plus.

[–] neidu3 4 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (16 children)

Are you asking how to torrent something, or how to rip it from the Amazon stream directly?

[–] neidu3 4 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Obvously. Don't you guys have a key labeled "Fight!" ?

That might be an ANSI thing. The ISO keyboards might say "Commence battle"

[–] neidu3 3 points 15 hours ago
[–] neidu3 14 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Kind of. The amount that can be spent annually is regulated by law. I don't remember the exact figure, but the budget can not rely on more that N% of these funds. I don't remember how much N is, but it's reasonably low. The reason is twofold:

  • Retain the value of the fund.
  • Don't make the state budget depend on it too much.

It is entirely possible to change this number of percent by a majority at the parlament.

Source: Am noggie

EDIT: The percentage that can be used follows the profit, which is estimated at 3-4%

[–] neidu3 9 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (1 children)

I heard "guyliner" on a podcast. Don't remember which, so I won't take credit for that one. WTYP, probably.

Also, I'm not against guys wearing eyeliner in a reasonable manner (which Vance objectively does), it was just that it is the only visual and noteworthy trait about him.

[–] neidu3 86 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (5 children)

Sorry to break it to you, guyliner, but under Trump you'll always be the b-team, at max. He'll throw you under the bus in a second if it serves his agenda.

And in this case you're struggling to reach even that segment as you're clearly outranked by a terminally online immigrant numpty who just want friends.

[–] neidu3 6 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

I usually keep my hair longer in the winter here in Norway. And as work frequently takes me to hot climate such as Saudi Arabia or Texas, I tend to get a haircut beforehand.

[–] neidu3 2 points 19 hours ago

Såvidt jeg vet så er det ikke en stor aktør, men det er en start. Jeg jobber med skip rundtomkring i Norge, og det er mange Ukrainere å møte.

Retro Recommendation #2 (self.knowledgefight)

Another repost from another dimension:

Retro Recommendation #2

I'm still trying to fulfill my biological duty to hype, so I'm posting another one:

#274 - Ask Alex Anything

It should also have the tagline "I'm gonna miss you, Paul" because the backdrop of this episode is that Alex is saying his goodbyes to Paul Joseph Watson who has been working closely with Alex for ages.

Hilights of the episode are that Alex gets way too drunk and emotional, to the point where I think we're actually seeing a more human and vulnerable side of him than we've ever seen before. However, he's still a piece of shit, and the rest of the crowd also shows how awful people they are by keeping it going and having fun at Alex's expense.

And Robert Evans of "Behind the Bastards"-fame is joining JorDan for this one.

Retro Recommendation #1 (self.knowledgefight)

Reposting an Ep-recommendation I made on a different KF-community with one of my other accounts:

Retro Recommendation #1

Seeing as humans are built to hype, I thought I'd do my part by recommending an episode from the back catalog that some of our newer listeners may not have heard.

#135 - The Wikileaks Press Conference

The anticipation.. the predictions.. the over-investment of feelings... the hype.. and then, followed by the N stages of grief when it doesn't pan out the way Alex or Owen expected, going through the motions of a complete live meltdown and a 180 degree reversal of their opinion on Wikileaks.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by neidu3 to c/[email protected]

Is there an available screen recorder for Linux that can continuously record everything, but only keep the last, for example, 10 minutes in a buffer, and anything older will be discarded?

Sometimes something interesting happens in whatever I'm doing, but replicating it after starting a recorder is hard. I also don't want to deal with terabytes of video backlog.

Ideally, when something share-worthy has happened, I'd push a button or a magic key combo, and the buffer will be saved to a file.

ReplaySorcery as suggested by @[email protected] does the job perfectly and just runs unobtrusively in the background after boot.


I have a system that involves a rather large and complex oracle database, and while the system as a whole is easy enough (for me) to understand, the database feels more like a black box of mysterious powers that I need some assistance wrapping my head around.

Are there any analytical tools to help with this? Ideally, I'd like a tool that would connect to the database and make a diagram over which tables connect to which other tables, as well as naming any stored procedures relevant to each. If such a tool exists, that'd be grand, but any other tools that can help breaking down this rube goldberg machine into something more digestible would be great.

And yes, it is much overdue for a postgresql successor. Getting the current contraption mapped out is the first step in building its replacement.

EDIT: Oh, and this database also interacts a lot with orasched, as well as external processes. A lot of things that should have been a cron job is now a procedure stored in the scheduler. A lot of things that should have been an external script/program is a stored procedure. And most offensive of all: many things that should have been in a config file is part of an SQL table. Whoever built this contraption must've been paid to write SQL and nothing else.


Most of it will be spent learning how to properly use Gimp

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by neidu3 to c/[email protected]

I remember some 20-30 years ago you would sometimes hear about an artist (usually musician, or a group thereof) being sellouts, or having sold out. This of course in a pejorative way, as this was the most heinous of crimes an artist could ever commit against their fan base.

However, I can't recall having heard this term for at least a couple of decades. Has the term been replaced with something else? Is it more accepted? Or is it simply so hard to make it nowadays that the concept of "selling out" is basically just synonymous with making a living?

Are there any modern examples of this and I simply missed the online chatter about it?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by neidu3 to c/[email protected]


  1. Burn the corners off of one sheet of paper with a lighter. I used A4, but I'm sure US Letter works too.
  2. Crumple it some and then straighten it out.
  3. Make some black coffee, any temperature and pour it into something that can fit the paper laying flat
  4. Bathe the paper until properly stained (or to taste, I guess)
  5. Roast the paper on 100 degrees C for 30 minutes with the convector fan running

The result is a perfect "treasure map" for use as a D&D prop during tonight's session with my kids.


I watched this interview earlier today, and upon hearing the studio band play that snippet of music, I immediately recognized it as something I've heard before.

I want to say that the original has a woman singing the melody?
Also, I think what we're hearing is the bridge of a song, rather than the verse or chorus.

The song starts at 1:05 in case you don't want to watch the rest of it.

EDIT: For fucks sake, of course it's Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam.... I lol'd. Thanks to the responders for reminding me.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by neidu3 to c/[email protected]

I saw a screenshot the other day of someone having tagged someone else with a note to help them recognize them later.

For example, if I wanted to tag [email protected] with a note of "Admits to sometimes secretly dressing up like Tarzan", so that I see it next to their name every time I read a comment/post.. how do I do this?

Bonus-question: Is this possible in my preferred app, Voyager?

Note: GatoB may or may not secretly dress up as Tarzan from time to time, I do not know. Not shaming either way.

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