My son was not happy with me breaking this news to him right before bedtime on a school night. Mwahahaha
Helldivers 2
Welcome to the Helldivers 2 Community on the Fediverse.
Galactic War Status
- Be kind to other Citizens of Super Earth
- No discussion of cheats or bug exploits.
- Posts or comments with leaked / unreleased info must be clearly labelled. Example: Use [Spoiler] in the title or spoiler tag in comments.
- No spam or advertising (YouTube, Twitch, etc)
- Automaton bots/AI will be reported to a Democracy Officer
Banner by Noobmasterpro
Oh man I bet he soooooo sick today
Lol he wanted to. Unfortunately for him, he was so stoked last night that even if he had a fever and was puking this morning, I would have been so suspicious that I'd have been like "what did you do to cause this?"
I’ll be honest, I expected a bigger narrative build up to the illuminate update, but I’m still pretty stoked and glad it wasn’t dragged out like the DSS
Of fucking course my Internet has to die for the first time in 3 years right when this releases 😩
If it makes you feel better, the servers are getting slammed, had quite a few disconnects and server connection issues. We’re back to launch servers I guess haha
There were close to 150k online according to the in-game counter on the galactic map when I jumped in a few hours ago.
Pinning this post. Spread Managed Democracy, Helldivers.
I was beginning to think we'd never see the Illuminate in the game. Guess it's time to reinstall.
Is this a good time to get into the game? I noticed they also won two awards at the Game Awards.
Join us brother in our defense of Managed Democracy!!!!
It's always been a good time to become a helldiver. But some times like this are better than others.
Join the helldivers, fight for democracy, freedom, liberty!
The only downside is that you will not have the same kind of variety in gear compared to someone who's been playing the game longer than you, but even then the basic equipment you start with is solid and flexible. Even the starter orbital strike and machine gun is viable late game.
What weapons are people liking so far? I know it has only been a few hours.
There are too many voteless for the diligence counter sniper, I was burning through ammo, switched to the breaker incendiary and it was a small improvement, but still burned through ammo.
As far as support weapons, my beloved quasar doesn’t really do much, I thought the AMR was decent paired with a crowd control primary, one shot kill if you headshot the overseers. Saw a lot of players trying out the machine gun and doing alright with it as well.
I settled on the sythe and the machine guns so far, name of the game seems to be lots of bullets. Knives and railgun are mostly useless, though railgun will make short work of a tripod once the shields are down and you hit it in the eye.
I had a good time with a full laser load out - sickle, laser cannon, guard dog. Ammo was never a problem.
The Tenderizer (with fire rate set to high) is pretty great at clearing enemy waves of voteless. Every time you spawn with it you have to change the fire rate though.
Quasar Cannon was kind of mid when I used it. I ended up liking the Laser Cannon more than it, but neither were really cutting it for me against Harvesters. Laser Cannon was decent at killing Overseers though.
Machine guns in general were pretty decent when I used them against Harvesters and Overseers.
The Senator was good for killing enemy Overseers in a pinch. It took ~5 shots to kill when body shotting, and with headshots I was able to kill in 2-3 shots.
If you use the Tenderizer, the Quasar Cannon, and the FRV at the same time I swear you can almost hear smooth jazz playing in the background.....
The eruptor drops sheilds fast. Not sure it works well with crowds though
Is this real? You'd think we'd get some teaser before then.
They dropped the update during The Game Awards, timed to release while their update announcement trailer played at the event. They seem to have wanted it to be as much of a surprise as possible.
The in-game music is really good.
I love the music but I cannot stand the bot planet music anymore, so I muted it all.
There needs to be more variety on the bot planet.