Heck of a job there, Pete
I keep seeing these numbers from Europe, but have yet to see North America numbers. I'm curious to see if sales are tanking in the US even harder.
Yeah I saw that spec option. Honestly the solar roof stuff seems really gimmicky to me. They mentioned that the battery holds 106 kWh. I don't know what the solar roof produces, but an average panel on top of a house creates something like 2 kWh per day.
So having a solar roof on your car would likely take something like 50 days of sunshine to charge to full. I mean, it's not nothing, but definitely not a practical solution for charging for 99%+ of the population.
Huh that's dope! Never heard of them before. Just watched a video of them demoing one of their preproduction trucks. Looks super practical, which is a hell of a lot more than could be said about the Cybertruck!
Yeah I put down a deposit on a Cybertruck years ago. Not because I thought it was a cool car, but because it was an EV truck for $40k.
By the time they actually came out at 2.5x the price and Elon started throwing around sirg heils, it was a super easy decision to cancel the reservation.
The pedo comment wasn't really a blip for me - and I assume most people. I remember seeing a headline at the time about him calling someone in Thailand a "pedo guy" because the guy called Musk out for turning some trapped kids into an attempt publicity stunt.
At the time, I probably thought "huh, that was a dumb thing to say" but then didn't spend more than 20 seconds thinking about it. I vaguely remember seeing some lawsuits about it later, but couldn't tell you one way or the other about how they went.
It really wasn't until Musk started doing crazy shit that affected me that I started paying attention to him - and I assume it's the same for most people. If some rich asshole slanders someone and gets sued for it, that's pretty easy to tune out. But when he purchases a major social media company and gives a quarter billion dollars to sway an election, does a couple Nazi salutes, and then starts dismantling the federal government, that's much more attention grabbing.
I think the biggest difference is that Elon has money. Most of the people Trump throws under the bus are people that served a useful function but then stopped fulfilling that function.
Elon's function is to have money. He bought Twitter and spent hundreds of millions of dollars to elect Trump and Republicans. He threatens to fund primary challengers for any Republican that doesn't fall in line.
I don't see that usefulness disappearing anytime soon, no matter how unpopular he is.
The preamble to the Democratic platform is as follows. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
In the brief space of three and one-haft years, the people of the United States have come to realize, with tragic consequences, that our National Government cannot be trusted to the hands of political amateurs, dominated by representatives of special privilege.
Four years ago they were beguiled, by empty promises and pledges, to elect as President a recent convert to Republicanism. Our people have now learned that the party of Lincoln has been made captive to big businessmen with small minds. They have found that they are now ruled by a Government which they did not elect, and to which they have not given their consent.
Ugh this just reminded me that I ran into this exact issue a couple years ago. We were running jobs every hour to ingest data from an API into our data warehouse. Eventually we got reports from users about having gaps in our data. We dug into it for days trying to find a pattern, but couldn't pinpoint anything. We were just missing random pieces of data, but our jobs never reported any failures.
Eventually we were able to determine the issue. HTTP 200 with "error: true" in the response. Fml
Oddly enough, that's actually still way more efficient than driving an ICE vehicle.
I was referring to Tesla sales in the US, not just the stock price. I keep seeing how sales are down X% in Germany or Y% in the UK, but even during their last quarterly meeting, I don't recall hearing anything about their US numbers.