Just part1 for now as I need to walk the dog :-)
[edit] Part 2 now added, and a nicer approach than Part 1 in my opinion, if you're able to keep that many dimensions straight in your head :-)
[edit 2] Tightened it up a bit more.
≡⍉⍉×⇡4¤[1_0 0_1 1_1 1_¯1] # Use core dirs to build sets of 4-offsets.
↯∞_2⇡△ Grid # Get all possible starting points.
&p/+♭⊞(+∩(≍"XMAS")⇌.⬚@.⊡:Grid≡+¤) # Part 1. Join the two into a table, use to pick 4-elements, check, count.
Diags ← [[¯. 1_1] [¯. 1_¯1]]
BothMas ← /×≡(+∩(≍"MS")⇌.)⬚@.⊡≡+Diags¤¤ # True if both diags here are MAS.
&p/+≡BothMas⊚="A"⟜¤Grid # Part 2. For all "A"s in grid, check diags, count where good.