It could be a while
Nowhere Else To Share
I didn't know which community to post something in and so here we are.
Please comment if you know a more appropriate community for a post.
Why have we let technology get this powerful?
Looks like I need to install arch
Good luck. The last Arch user I interacted with roleplayed a Tsundere femboy in the general chat of a 3000 member Discord. Hopefully you can rise above the very low bar.
You will never get a gf installing arch in virtual box on windows. It needs to be bare metal for the spell to work.
All they are waiting for is for you to cease the linuxing and become a technoprimitive. At that point, they can murder you with the just one beat cop everywhere because you will finally be rendered utterly insignificant. They don't want you to reproduce. . . I would only redouble my efforts to stay alive, if as of yet in girlfriended. Good luck!
Hey, it got me my wife. There's always hope.