Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.
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Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.
No /s, it is, no one says Gen Zed, or Jay Zed, XY Zee is just next in line, it's all Zee's and it makes sense why
At this point nobody is learning 'English', people are learning American because they watch American Movies, TV Shows, listen to American Music, eat American Food, play American Video Games, we watch literally millions of American Youtube and Tiktok Videos every day, we're following American Influencers and Celebrities, with American Social Media Australians are following American Politics more closely than Australian Politics and frequently confusing the two, in addition we're all addicted to the American Apps installed on American Operating Systems (all of them, Windows and MacOS and Android and IOS) on the American Smart Phones/Laptops/Desktops
The top most visited websites in Australia:
The consequence of this is that we lose our culture, but as some French statesman said: why bother when everyone is enjoying everything?
no one says Gen Zed
Odd choice of example, I hear it often.
Yeah my daughter referred to herself as a zedder yesterday. I hear it often enough
Well tbf what you're losing is the UK's culture. Finding a balance of other stuff that works for you instead of clinging to tradition is how you build a culture of your own.
Well, Trump did get elected. Do you're probably correct.
That's enough internet for me for today. Sick fuck. At least put a NSFL warning next time.
It’s fine. Outside of visiting the United States I never hear anyone say zee. Even the American guys at work say zed.
We explained to our 4 year old, when she was 2, why she might hear zee on tv. She gets it and goes “it’s zed!” when she hears those shows. This is a nothing problem.
Exactly what we did. Demonised the filth, before the infection could spread.
A picket on the sidewalk is a great idea.
Zee, candy, cookies. All that American language creeping in shits me.
And yet we also see "football" being used more and more often to refer to soccer. The one time Australian culture and American culture should be in sync, some of us decided to copy the bloody poms.
I'm not sure if I understand which version you'd prefer- Do you want football to refer to the game where players use their hands to move an egg shaped object, or do you think football should refer to the game where players use their feet to move a ball shaped object?
We’re not America.
Here we say football to refer to the game where players use their feet to move an egg shaped object.
Look out, you'll upset the rugby fans.
As long as they don't call it footy its fine. Football is a broad term for a lot of codes.
⚽ 🇺🇸 SOCCER 🇦🇺 ⚽
The Wiggles alphabet song says this too. Although that I get since they export to the states now. It might even introduce American kids to the Zed.
Playschool is unforgivable. That's our national kids show and should be Australian.
A noble cause
Who the fuck says C to Z?
Rappers on a tight schedule?
Gotta make happy hour
I always knew it as zee growing up. It worked in the rhyme.
"W, X, Y and Zee, now I know my A B Cs, next time won't you sing with me" (that last line is probably a separate argument on its own 😂).
Then Dragon Ball Z hit Australian TV and it was done after that.
Right behind you my dude.
Don't call him dude, buddy.
We coulda nipped this in the bud if we had joined together and formed AmerAustralia, a unified country. I tried to promote it. We’d each have each other’s backs when the other was sleeping. But noooo. And now Zed is dead. smh. I’m so sad for all that could have been.
The Austra-Zealand Union is what we should be looking at. Sure, the accent will take a hit, but we will be unstoppable in sports.
It rhymes better with zee. Seeth.
Why stop there? Time to campaign for fee, hee, jee, kee, etc.
L, M, N and O get a free pass because they're really just a prefix to P, not letters in their own right.
Lets go back to the old way of pronouncing Q also. It’s now pronounced like “coo”.
Petition to put the ampersand back in
I agree. Let’s also reintroduce thorn and wynn. Digraphs suck.
I cringe if I hear someone use a hard Z
We can have a little pogrom against usaians as a treat.
Just say Americans mate, we all know you’re not referring to the inhabitants of North America or South America, you’re not correcting any confusion only adding it by not using the countries name.
Nah, it's funny ribbing them over their egotistical exceptionalism. you know they almost named their country freedonia?
Imagine meeting a German who refers to themselves as a Eurasian, cringe shit that is.
Despite the European Union not including all of Europe, a German would definitely call themselves European when describing themselves as a citizen of the EU and not an EUian
Is Australia the entire south of the world?
Is Australia the entire south of the world?
if you're asking me to defend the decisions of the British you are looking in the wrong place lmfao.
by not using the countries name
"America" is not their country's name either ("USA" is actually closer, now that you mention it)
America is the country's short/familiar name. Like how the Commonwealth of Australia is just called Australia, the United Mexican States is called Mexico, and the Republic of China is called Taiwan.
Your version has too many vowels.
You're wrong Play School!