That happened to me! Hopefully it doesn't get U2!
Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to [email protected]
- Must post text, image (e.g., meme), or direct link. Do not post external links that cannot be viewed directly from the community (e.g., link to joke website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
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The virus only gets ya, if you party INXS
and then Wham!
One more pun and I'm calling The Police.
Do that and I’m fleeing to Europe
Sounds good I will go to Asia
Screw that, Boston's where it's at.
I don't think we're in Kansas anymore
Well it definitely isn't Chicago
more like a Small Town.
Why is everyone in such a Rush to leave?
The Countdown's begun.
You have to know when enuff z'nuff.
Yeah, it's quite the Poison to experience.
My exotic cat caught the feline version and it got in his ear.
Now he's a Def Leppard
Are you sure it's a virus and not Poison?
Either way, you're in for quite the Journey
Wanna see my Whitesnake?
I'm calling the The Police!
I'll be watching you.
with an Electric Eye.
It might be all night (but it'll be alright).
It could be Anthrax.
At least it gives me something to believe in.
There is always something there to remind me
When it happened to me I was so scared I cried. I went to see my therapist, who told me I was shedding tears for fears.
make me want to cry, Cryyy [higher pitch], CRRRYYYYYYYY [very high pitch] !!!
What a Godley post!
the Creme de la creme.
In this new wave of memes, people tend to confuse music genres. We should call the police on them.
Oh no! I may have this too. I'm going to Rush to my doctor.
Yeah. Just go to the Dokken he'll fix you right up.
Dio know if there's anything he can do?
And you'll learn that you're only immortal for a limited time
Forever Young
The virus seriously weakens cellular membranes, causing Soft Cell. SC leads to a breakdown of your dopamine and oxytocin receptors which leaves you with a feeling of tainted love.
It's sad, all this interesting music, you can KISS goodbye.
Edit: You could say this virus will Poison the mind.
I'm taking this with a pinch of Salt And Peppa.
I looked them up. They are still an active band!
I've heard it can also have gastrointestinal effects. I got it a few weeks ago and it really made me Wang Chung.
Looks like the super spreader event was a rock concert at the Guggenheim. People are now blaming The Art of Noise.