My phone is already slim. Most of it is a quarter inch thick. It makes it hard to hold already.
M3 grease guns proved effective last time we tried it.
The NATO phonetic alphabet does make some intersting choices. Sierra being particularly bad because over a poor quality radio it can sound a lot like "zero." the WWII American phonetic alphabet used "sugar." Able Baker indeed.
That British guy, Jack "That guy who fought World War 2 with a claymore and bagpipes" Churchill, was also an early pioneer of surfing.
There's a LOT of e. coli up your ass.
Put more delicately, you are a great big multicellular eukaryote, each of your cells has (or had, in the case of red blood cells) an inner chamber called the nucleus, and you're full of mitochondria and other organelles. Your body is covered and filled with other organisms, many of them simple, tiny little single cell prokaryotes which make a living helping their gigantic, complicated host function. Like all the bacteria in your intestines that help you digest food. Their cells outnumber yours by a wide margin.
So, here's a lesson from the flight physiology chapter of the private pilot syllabus:
Your vision is a lot worse than you think it is. You probably conceptualize your eye as similar to a digital camera, there's a lens that focuses light on a sensor made up of an array of light sensitive cells, and that the edge of that array is as densely packed as the center. This is the case for a camera, but not for your eye.
Each of your eyes has over 30 million photoreceptors called rods and cones.
Rod cells come in one variety and are only really good for detecting presence or absence of light. They work well, or can work well, in very dim light, and they form the basis of your night vision. This is why in very dim conditions you might experience your vision in black and white.
Cone cells are less sensitive to light requiring relatively bright light to function, and come in three varieties that respond the strongest to low, middle and high wavelengths of light, what we know as red, green and blue. By comparing the relative intensities of these wavelengths, we can derive color vision. They don't work well in low light conditions.
The sensor array in the back of your eye that contains these photosensitive cells, called the retina, is sparsely populated toward the edges and doesn't have very good resolution. Try reading this sentence looking at it through the corner of your eye. It gets denser and denser, and the ratio of cones to rods increases, until you reach a tiny pit in the very center called the fovea.
This is difficult to put into words but unless you've been blind since birth you'll understand what I mean: You use your whole retina to "see." You use your fovea to "look." The detailed center of your vision, the spot where you are "looking" is drawn from the fovea through the center of the lens out into the world. When you are looking at something, you are pointing your fovea(s) at it.
There are no rod cells in your fovea, only cones. So you have very high resolution color day vision, but next to no night vision, with your fovea.
This is why things like dim stars in the night sky can be more easily seen with your peripheral vision than your central vision. Your central vision does not have the cells to see well in the dark. It's not in the anatomy.
We teach this to pilots because distant lights the pilot is using to navigate by, avoiding collisions with obstacles or other aircraft, might be dim enough that the night adjusted eye can't actually see it with the center vision but can with peripheral vision.
The same chapter teaches about the "hole" through which the optic nerve passes and how that blind spot is capable of hiding something like another airplane from you, which is why you look around and don't just stare out the windshield. It's not often a problem because most of the time one eye can see into the other's blind spot, but it's useful to know that about your vision.
Each cell will detect some light, undergo a chemical process that fires an adjacent neuron, and then take a very brief moment to reset to be ready to do it again. Each cell is doing this independently, so your eyes don't have a "frame rate" the way a camera does, but a flickering light begins to look continuous to humans at a rate of about 18 cycles per second and no flicker can be detected somewhere around 40.
Your occipital lobe takes in this choppy inconsistent resolution broken up mess of visual information passed to it via your optic nerves, does some RTX DLSS 4k HDR10 shit to it and outputs the continuous and smooth color 3D picture you consciousness experiences as "vision."
AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT your brain does optical everything recognition. You can look at millions of different objects - the letters of the alphabet, tools, toys, people, individual people's faces, leaves, flowers, creatures, stars, planets, moons, your own hands, and recognize what they are with astonishing speed and accuracy.
It's what scientists call the hellawhack shiznit that happens inside your brizzle.
As an American, I'll take the Mojave over the Outback any day.
I'm not sure how you arrive at that conclusion, "most people already have a TV so it's not considered an additional purchase, a computer monitor almost always is."
If you put yourself in the shoes of an average parent Christmas shopping for their 9 year old at some point in the last 30 years, well there's a Playstation 2 for $299, a controller is included, a memory card is $40, and then we'll buy 3 games for $60 each, so that's about $520. We'll hook it up to the living room TV we already own, it comes with the cable we need to do that, that's all we need to buy. Or, let's go over to the computer store and buy a gaming PC. We chose the PS2 era so ~2002, we're looking at a Windows XP machine with probably a Pentium 4 processor, 512MB of RAM, a 256GB hard drive, a CD-RW drive and a DVD-ROM drive, plus an earlier Nvidia graphics card. Buy it from HP, Compaq, Dell or someone like that, you're probably looking at $800 to $1000 for the PC itself, then you're going to need to buy a computer monitor because the graphics card probably only has VGA out and your TV doesn't have VGA in, so that's another few hundred bucks you're going to spend. It likely ships with a basic keyboard and mouse so you'll get by with those.
Here's a picture of a computer catalog circa 2000 of Pentium III grade systems advertising prices just shy of $1500 AFTER a $500 discount for a complete desktop setup, probably including the OS and probably some shovelware. And now it's time to buy some games.
So if you started with the Playstation, you'd have to spend a thousand dollars on a television before you broke even on cost with an equivalent era gaming PC and accoutrements. Oh and you're going to have to set up the OS and install the games you buy from CD, which has a chance of just not working at all because Windows is flaky. Oh no, that Windows 98 era game that's still on store shelves in 2002 doesn't work on Windows XP because of something called NT, you don't know what that means and little Joshua is pissed. Maybe I should have just bought him a Furby.
That said, I am a PC gamer, in fact I'm a Linux gamer. I'm typing this on my Ryzen 7700X/Radeon 7900GRE system with a 34 inch 1440p 144Hz monitor and 5.1 surround sound system. I play some hardware intensive games like Satisfactory, I also do my CAD design work on this box. It's a vastly superior toy to any game console ever made and it's also a profoundly useful tool.
I felt the need to reach back to the PS2 era because I don't believe the current crop of game consoles offers the same value proposition. As I think you're trying to point out, TV and movies nowadays are fucktrash and people are abandoning them, and it's increasingly likely you don't own a TV at all because why? The consoles are getting more expensive even though they are still sold as loss leaders, and their making everything they can into a subscription, they're gonna wring the cash out of you somehow.
If someone with no AV equipment at all asked ME how to get into PC gaming, I'm gonna recommend a Steam Deck. It's got everything you need to start playing, no accessories required, excellent UX, repairable hardware, can run LibreOffice, you can plug it into a monitor or television when/if you get one, and you don't have to be a lizard people oligarch to afford it. Oh and at this exact moment in history it isn't the flickering stub of a once tall candle with its successor waiting in the wings like the Nintendo Switch.
I highly recommend Astrum's series about the Opportunity rover.
I was picturing Phalanx CWIS. doesn't take much mampower to run one of those.
Proofing yeast is crazy to the Brits. If you say so.
Looks very 90's Apple. Like OS9.