Oh no the economy!
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The gas prices will probably go up.
The shareholders aren’t going to like this.
Houston, you have a problem.
“Why did the earth suddenly teleport ten times closer to the moon.” Then probably something like: “how can an object have sufficient kinetic energy to perfectly perforate the earth but still keep it mostly in tact” also “why is the asteroid burning if it is outside of the atmosphere”. Unless Hans Zimmer was playing in the background, then I would probably say “Dear god!”.
"Starting to think we'll never get Half-Life 3...."
Thanks, Obama.
That‘s gonna negatively impact the trout population.
there is definitely a negative correlation between trout numbers and the number of large asteroids that hit the earth
That's where I keep all my stuff!"
- the tick
"Asphyxiation, hypothermia, starvation, self-harm....Asphyxiation, hypothermia, starvation, self-harm....Asphyxiation, hypothermia, starvation, self-harm............. Dammit this is a difficult choice...."
Asphyxiation is 10-15 seconds in the vacuum of space. The others are significantly longer.
Just saying.
Last man standing, bitches.
At least I brought my towel
Don't panic.
Nooo the economy
(Stolen from another meme)
"Well that just happened" - Any Marvel Hero
I should have brought my towel...
This is gonna ruin the economy.
Sweet. Not going to have to face that upcoming election result.
Shit....that's where I kept all my stuff.
Shakira Shakira
Oh shit, the economy!
Shit, I forgot to pack potatoes.
Well, now I don't have to return those videos to Blockbuster.
Need an xkcd to figure out how fast it would be going to plow straight through the whole earth like that.
https://what-if.xkcd.com/20/ towards the end he covers this sort of scenario in the form of a diamond sphere.
I never should've doubted Randall
See Linda, this is why I didn't want to go visit your mother!
"Finally, it was damn fucking time"
Really simple
Oh. Fuk.
"Awww, my sunglasses were in there!"
as I get pelted by Earths space debris
"LMAO fuck you jeremy"
Well, at least I don't have to worry about my student loans anymore.
Huh, that's not ideal
No words. Just stand there still for a second, then just drop those boxes and remain standing there.