That’s why eyewitness accounts are not reliable.
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And every single time you remember anything you just change a little bit of it. Every single time you remember you also forget a little.
You also dont see reality only reproduce it.
Either memory or not you merely approximate to whatever is (evolutionary) programmed to be useful to realize based on the input you get.
Memory or not, that does not matter. You might even get a more useful view retrospectively because being in the moment doesnt mean you are not less confused.
Not sure if there's any dimension 20 fans on this comment section but that was one of my favourite jokes in mentopolis. They go check out a memory at the library and the librarian recommends they change it up a little before handing it back in.
- from the wisdom of Muad'dib, by the Princess Irulan
The audio book makes this part a million times more entertaining. The lady sort of became Princess Irulan to me.
It will be a challenge to let go of it for the second movie.
Except for the Kwisatz Haderach.