Libertarian Discussion

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Place for discussion from a Libertarian perspective, meaning less top-down control and more individual liberty. In general, the intent is discussion about issues and not a discussion on libertarianism itself or any of its branches.

Be sure to respect the instance rules, and please keep discussion civil and backed by high quality sources where possible.

founded 2 years ago

Socialists being socialist. Kudos to Apple.


We need a chainsaw in Europe.


I thought this was an interesting video and I think it does a good job explaining at least part of why Trump won. Here's the original paper if you're interested.

I think the economy was a major factor in deciding this election, but obviously there are a lot of other factors to consider, such as the DNC not having a primary, Biden having a poor approval rating, and concerns around China and Russia, among a host of others. However, this seems to do a fantastic job explaining the results as well.

What do you think? Do you think public perception of the economy and political party influence on the economy was a significant factor in this election? Do you think that indicates a decent likelihood of either an economic correction or at least reduced returns at some point in Trump's presidency?


Why is there not more information out there on W.C. Young, the #Libertarian running for U.S. Senate in #Missouri? @libertarian? Anybody?


cross-posted from:

Leftist news commentary and interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.

#robertfkennedyjr #sabbysabs #libertarianparty #presidentialcandidates2024 #thirdparty #larrysharpe #donaldtrump2024 #joebiden2024 #2024election #usnewstoday #progressivepoliticsexplained


This interview mostly goes over social policy, so I hope there's a follow-up with fiscal policy as well.

Here's an AI-generated transcript, which has some mistakes but hopefully is helpful. I tried copying it here, but it was too long.

Some interesting tidbits I liked:

  • Liz challenged Chase on gender affirming care - his response was "no to surgery before 18, yes to medication if parents and doctors agree"
  • open borders - wants an "Ellis Island"-style system where you register and then get to work, while still maintaining a strong police presence to keep out criminals
  • courting those on the right of the LP - wants to work together on common causes, but will disagree on social issues
  • vaccine mandates - no mandates from the government, but private businesses absolutely can; he thinks businesses requiring masks/vaccines is stupid because it limits customers

The whole discussion was pretty interesting, and I think it's interesting that Liz Wolfe came out as more conservative than Zach (apparently, Zach rarely discusses personal opinions).

So far I'm pretty happy with Chase as the candidate because:

  • he's pretty well-spoken - reminds me a bit of Gary Johnson with less "aloof"-ness
  • he appears confident and seems to do a good job justifying his positions on core libertarian principles
  • very different from both Trump and Biden, so he should contrast well
  • going after young voters - he's young, and he's highlighting issues that young people seem to care about, so I'm hopeful that'll resonate with young voters

I certainly disagree with him on some issues, but I think he'll be a good voice for the party. I would like to see more discussion on economic policy though.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? Are you excited for a Chase Oliver campaign, or do you think the Libertarian Party should have made a different choice?


Oliver's victory on Sunday night was a blow to the Mises Caucus, the right-leaning faction that took control of the Libertarian Party at the 2022 convention and that had orchestrated Trump's appearance at the convention. That faction's preferred candidate was Rectenwald.

I'm not a fan of the Mises Caucus, so I think this is hilarious.

There was widespread media attention in recent weeks fixated on whether the Libertarian Party would nominate a prominent non-Libertarian like Kennedy or even Trump.

Neither got anywhere close to winning. Kennedy was eliminated after the first round of balloting, while Trump did not even qualify for the first round and received just six write-in votes.

Good on you LP.

Now, I know next to nothing about Chase Oliver, but being gay and young will certainly set him apart from the old men he's competing against. I hope he'll get a good amount of media attention to spread the libertarian message.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? Did the convention make the right call? Would one of the other candidates have been better? Would you prefer no candidate?


cross-posted from:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is addressing the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC, Friday afternoon.

Although Kennedy indicated last month he would not seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination, he has long promoted libertarian policies and values.

Democrat-aligned PAC MoveOn has invested in a mobile billboard campaign to dissuade convention attendees from supporting Kennedy.

Former President Trump will also be speaking at the Libertarian convention this weekend. Trump has been ahead of Biden in recent swing state polls. But the lead is narrow enough in some that a small number of independent and Libertarian voters could make the difference in the electoral college.

Kennedy is scheduled to appear at 3:30 p.m. EDT.


I'm thinking something along the lines of the GDPR where companies must get consent to track you, and must delete your data upon request.

I see a few arguments here:

  • yes, websites are like stores and have the obligations of a store to protect user data (IP address, HTTP headers, etc)
  • no because the internet is "the commons," so no expectation of privacy (no expectation that the website follows your local laws)
  • no because you're voluntarily providing the data, but you're well within your rights to block tracking attempts

So, some questions to spark discussion:

  • does data collection violate the NAP?
  • does sale of personal data (without a TOS in place) violate the NAP?
  • if no to each of the above, is it worth violating the NAP to enforce a right to digital privacy?

Property in land - What are your thoughts on Georgist libertarianism?

The basic idea behind Georgism is that land and natural resources are not the fruits of anyone’s labor, so no one has a natural right to it. Georgism proposes based on this that collective ownership arrangements be applied to such resources. Geolibertarianism supports full private property rights in the products of labor.

What are your thoughts on this approach to natural resources?



Here's the YouTube video on Reason's channel (event starts about 10 min in), or you can download it at the link for this post.

There's no text transcription AFAIK, so I'll try my best to represent both sides fairly. I do have my own opinions here, so I recommend you watch the video (at least the opening remarks, which is ~35 min long, just after introductions).

Here's the prompt:

Government must play a role in fostering scientific and technological progress by funding basic research.

The definition of "basic research" is a bit squishy, but the definition they seem to be going with is science without a specific goal, such as studying chemistry not to solve a given program, but to see where the research goes. The opposite is "mission science," which is research in a given area to achieve some specific goal important to the government, like weapons. They both agreed that the latter should be funded as needed (e.g. COVID-19 vaccine).

For the affirmative (Dr. Mills):

  • private companies have little interest in basic research
  • government funded basic research has produced immense value (example given: ammonia composition, which wasn't economically useful for 100 years so likely wouldn't have happened as quickly)
  • government funded research is often economically viable, but more importantly, it has non economic value that private research doesn't provide (e.g. man on the moon)

For the negative (Dr. Kealey):

  • publicly funded research "crowds out" private research (i.e. public research doesn't add more scientists, it just moves them from private to public sector)
  • private research is more economically viable
  • private companies need to fund research or they'll lose to their competition

And some prompts for discussion:

  • What is your opinion on the prompt, should the government be funding basic research?
  • Who do you think won? Do you agree with the voting? Why?
  • If you're against the resolution, would you go further and prefer to not fund "mission science" as well? Why or why not?
  • Should your government increase or decrease the amount it's spending on basic science research?

And a final question: do you want to see more of this kind of post?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by sugar_in_your_tea to c/libertarian

I'm generally in favor of "hands off" moderation, as in allowing the community to decide which content to promote and which to discourage. I prefer to only step in if someone is violating the rules, either of the instance or of this community.

That said, this community has seen a lot of recent activity, and I'm worried that people who want to discuss libertarian concepts are being overrun. For example, this recent post has more downvotes than the most popular post has upvotes (by a large margin), yet I think this type of post is quite relevant to libertarians.

So I think we're getting a lot of non-libertarian (by pretty much any definition of the word) users in this community, and I'm worried they're not here in good faith.

So, I'd like to know what kind of moderation we'd like to see. I'll be reviewing voting records for posts to try to sus out who I subjectively think are here in bad faith (not planning on any bans though, just getting an idea) since I don't think votes will be particularly relevant for this post. Some questions:

  • should moderators (so far just me) ban serial downvoters?
  • should moderators ban low effort posts, regardless of applicability to libertarianism? (e.g. the recent memes and whatnot)?
  • should moderators pin subjectively higher effort and relevant posts to promote similar content?

So far I've done no moderating because everyone seems to at least be civil, but I don't want this to become a "bash on libertarians" community or I'll just close it.

I created the community to discuss libertarian concepts because the rest of Lemmy seemed very leftist. I basically want something like a mix of /r/libertarian and /r/neutral_news, where citations are encouraged (if not required) and content generally focuses on how to solve problems with less government rather than more. That doesn't seem to be happening, so either we need strict rules or to just close the community down.

"Choices" (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/libertarian
Fear Voting (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/libertarian
Wow (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/libertarian

There's no one here?

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