
joined 1 month ago
[–] yunxiaoli 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Hey so just a question, are the Chinamen shabby, rushed and incompetent, or are those dirty commies so incredibly, inconceivably competent and meticulous to instantly hide all information that would make them look bad?

Both paradoxically must be true for your sinophobic conspiracy theory to work.

[–] yunxiaoli -4 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Dissenting options are not 'hurr no that's a lie my billionaire owned media told me that's a lie so that's just a lie.'

You brought far-right wing propaganda into a space that disallows it, with nothing supporting it. I know it's not the good sub but YDI. Don't be a white moderate.

[–] yunxiaoli 30 points 3 days ago (4 children)

If you're in a civilized part of the world, see a doctor.

If you're in the US or other failed state without medical facilities: is the area cyanotic or discoloured in any way? If not and you still have some sensation is there any obvious things still pinching the area, like a poorly fitting belt? If not and it's really been two days but you still have full function (i.e. you can fully extend toes, your ankle range of motion isn't reduced, you can walk pretty much at all) then you have a pinched nerve and it's fine but you need to find a solution to sleeping to restore full sensation eventually.

If your foots discoloured and/or you've lost function for two days, congrats. You get to go find medical help or take a hacksaw to your foot in a week when it really starts rotting.

[–] yunxiaoli 24 points 3 days ago (2 children)

1-3 for friend groups, 3-20 for various games because devs decided to stop using traditional forums so if you want to talk shit to a game devs face regarding changes that fix the exploit you've been using to have fun you have to pretend to be a discord kitten for months and gain their confidence so you can appropriately deal enough psychic damage to repay what they took from you, 5-10 for foss software collaboration, 5-10 for obscure porn game contribution so it stops taking ten fucking months between updates.

And I think I'm pretty asocial. Normies must have thousands of servers joined.

[–] yunxiaoli 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

“You wake up one day and discover you’re dead,”

How in the hell you wake up dead?

[–] yunxiaoli 2 points 4 days ago

You will never get more than the 65% turn out of 2020. You just won't. Because when the Dems win, it's never enough. You never get enough, you never have enough, but the Republicans always have enough to get their legislation through, even as a minority.

Stop making excuses for oligarchs. It's pathetic.

[–] yunxiaoli 0 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Voter participation is low because every time people do turn out, they're reminded there are no politicians that will work for the workers.

[–] yunxiaoli 0 points 4 days ago

Yeah, sure would've been great to not have a genocidal maniac in just either main party. But too bad. You guys wanted genocide, so now you're getting it. Stop complaining.

[–] yunxiaoli -1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

After 800,000 missing, likely dead under Biden, you dont get to concern troll.

US already had troops on the ground during Biden's reign, US already dedicated a carrier group to the genocide under Biden's reign. US was already actively participating.

You're not better than trump supporters. You voted for genocide to save yourself.

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