Yeah she probably services the higher ups.
Can he be pardoned again? And has that ever happened before?
Yeah that's what America needs, even less educated citizens.
What a bunch of fucking Maroons.
I feel sorry for the Americans, to a point, but enough voted for the Donvict and his bottom Felon.
Not American, I see both on Google Earth.
I get how shitty it would be for Canadian exports that have the tariff applied to them, but would it help some items become cheaper in Canada?
Now I understand that we do not do the final assembly or finishing on a lot of what is sent, but would we see it drive local prices down or would business try to justify higher prices to offset their loss (you know because it is the law of the universe that profits must always go up).
In the big picture, we stop shipping oil, we stop sending electricity and cars and or parts, keep food items here, in the long run would things become cheaper while we are looking for new markets to sell to, or while we are building our own systems to finish items where practical?
We as a nation cannot let that dumbfuck control our economy, every time it happens we say, "oh we need to diversify" and yet we never do because the US usually smartens up and sees us as an alie not an adversary, but I wouldn't count on that fron the US for quite some time as the government hasn't been sold to the tech douche bros and corrupt Republicans (or repugnicans).
Fair point, I can't disagree.
So is there no conflict of interest with the companies he runs getting federal contracts? Don't politicians need to put their companies into some type of trust where they can't run it and make decisions that would be in their favour? I mean I know it doesn't work like that with stick trading (cough cough Pelosi).
Glenora Distillery makes Glen Breton, very peaty and smokey, can't recommend it enough.
Their rum is excellent. Would and will buy again.
Well it is from the dumbest president in history (for the 2nd time).
Good, noone should have to be harnessed by some religious nuts, mind your fucking business and leave people alone.
One of our cats died the same thing, always wants drooly cuddles..