
joined 2 years ago
[–] xzot746 2 points 2 hours ago

Oh the government will find money to help the bankers.

[–] xzot746 9 points 2 days ago

Book banning is shameful and a disgrace, those who are scared of knowledge are really scared that someone will better themselves and ask questions of those doing the banning.

If your government wants to ban books ask why. Why do they want to ban books on let's say gun manufacturing. Well they don't want their citizens to have the ability to defend themselves against the government, sure they will wrap it in some other reason like saving children or stopping crime, but really they know they are not working for the people of that country, and they worry that the people will find out and come after them. In a true democracy the people would just need to vote out the politicians, but there aren't any real democracies just the illusion of democracy, which can be seen in the USA at the moment.

Knowledge is never a bad thing, some knowledge might be painful and hurtful but in the end you are better off knowing, one way or the other.

Build your own libraries of knowledge banned or otherwise, share it with people, help people understand what you are sharing and why. Use the knowledge to help and not to hate, but at least you will know what hate is and help people improve their lives by understanding who is pulling the strings.

Can you imagine that knowledge is bad 😞.

And do not think that I don't realize that there is bad knowledge being shared by evil people, but at least you can combat those people with good knowledge and be able to see who is spewing that knowledge, and then call them out for it.

Ramble complete.

[–] xzot746 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

And into tech companies to track you everywhere you go, that'll be the real tough part, how do you plan any action. Then the military and the heavily armed police forces know exactly who all was involved.

[–] xzot746 3 points 2 days ago

We will try to help, we don't want to see this for the American people either, it doesn't do anybody any good, but there really isn't much we can do, but we will try.

But Americans need to stand up against this, they are destroying your government systems piece by piece.

[–] xzot746 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I've have a pair of the Moorby's, they're an excellent boot, highly recommend.

[–] xzot746 109 points 4 days ago (33 children)

This American Putin wanna be is going burn it all down isn't he.

I like Americans (to a point), but FAFO, we burnt the Whitehouse down before.

[–] xzot746 1 points 4 days ago

What are they going to do, put a tariff on egg producers. /s

[–] xzot746 2 points 4 days ago

Braxman on YouTube has a good video on this exact point and how they are using it with the government to track everything you do, it is part of the KYC know your customer ideology that is now being used by tech co's to be able to track everything about your life.

[–] xzot746 1 points 4 days ago

Maybe a government with a real budget, and corporations paying their fair share in taxes. This whole trickle down economics doesn't seem to be working anymore.

Businesses need to make profit for sure, and I agree with that but it seems that it is almost a universal law that nothing else has to matter, only profit.

I understand there was no written social contract, but we can't keep letting companies make 100's of billions (maybe exaggerated a bit) and pay barely nothing while governments downloads the cost to the average person.

We should have no issues spending 2% of our GDP on defense, because we're gonna need it once those scrappy fucks down south are determined to get our natural resources and most importantly our water.

Education, healthcare, defense, social safety net (maybe needs some reform), these are the items our government needs to focus on. Corporations will always threaten to leave or not invest, but if they only invest because we give them big grants then that isn't fair.

But all that being said, it won't happen because one country can't do it alone. There is a bigger more corrupt picture on the world stage.

[–] xzot746 5 points 6 days ago

I hope he sues the living shit out of them.

[–] xzot746 1 points 6 days ago

Ahh yes, swipe typing and half cut, let me try again.

This is what the Liberals have to offer, a has-been that knew she was going to get the stink from Trudeau on her, and the WEF hack who went to the UK to sell the NHS, and whoever the other two are.

[–] xzot746 3 points 1 week ago

Yup been the law as a law member(who should know better) and just apologies, nope fuck that harder repercussions for law enforcement members. You stole someones rights, not privilege but rights, off to jail with you and no pension and repercussions for those in charge. ACAB indeed


I have a K1 Max and mostly it is running great, however I get strange artifacts on mostly only the front side of curved objects.

I have lubed all the rods, and I have a Capricorn PTFE tube from the filament sensor to the hot end. I tried the printable guide for the tube to go into the hot end but it wasn't any better and I thought that was the culprit at first.

I have an extension piece to raise up the top glass.

I'm using Elegoo Rapid PTEG running at 240c and 250mm outerwall speed. This is mainly happening on the front side and anywhere on the build plate. Filament is dry and fed out of the Creality Space dryer.

These items are small netcups but it was also happening on the larger sections that they go in.

Using Orcaslicer and Arachne wall generator.

Any ideas where I need to be focusing my attention on?

Elite C Firmware Issue (self.ergomechkeyboards)

Hey all, working on a Corne Choc, and having issues flashing the right half of the board with QMK Toolbox.

I am getting a validating error with:

822 invalid byte in program region, 0 outside region

This is the second controller as I had the same error on the first and assumed I ruined it when I was troubleshooting it and desoldering.

Ordered a new board and same issue.

I've cleared the EEPROM, there are not shorts or bad solder on the headers. This is a completely separate PCB.

Tried using QMK MSYS to reflash ISP (not sure I got that right, don't really understand it).

Get a blue led indicating power, reset button works to put it into bootloader mode, still nothing will flash on it.

Unfortunately on the first go round I had soldered headers to swap but was too tall for me, desoldered the boards and went directly to the PCB, as mentioned this is a new board on a new PCB, did not program prior to soldering.

Corne Choc Per Key LEDs (self.splitmechkeyboards)

Hey all, building a corne chocolate with Kailh switches. I ordered SK6812Mini-E RGBs. The issue is that to bottom mount the LEDs it looks as though the ground tab (shorter tapered with notch) is in the wrong corner. It would work if I were mounting them on top, but there is no room for the LED. I'm assuming that I need new LEDs to mount from the bottom.

The PCB is Chocolate v2.1. I am looking to see if anyone can verify that the solder tab on the pcb with the little white box around it needs to match the tapered tab on the LED or the ground pin.


I've had an Ender 3 v2 for a few years now and have had mostly no issues. I've upgraded the hot end to a microswiss direct drive and a dual z setup (twin z steppers on a shared cable).

Recently started having issues with the 4.2.2 board and replaced it with a BTT mini SKR 3 v3.

Since I've put the new board in, I am having troubles getting the bed to level and stay level.

The height profile of the bed is now showing a dip in the centre (which was not there before). When I run a print it seems to be overcompensating for the dip. If I level the bed with the corner screws and don't use the bed mesh then it prints fairly good, but after a few prints the bed goes out of level again.

I can't seem to make any adjustments that help the issue. Yesterday tightened up all the screws (silicon spacers instead of springs). Releveled the bed and had a small dip in the middle and an overall height difference of 0.170 across the bed (normal prior to this was 0.310). Sent a print with bed mesh and mostly came out good.

Went to fire up a new print today and the bed height is showing 0.830 overall difference.

I'm not sure if it is a BL touch issue (the BL touch is a v3.1 and is original with a single 5 wire connector plugged into mini SKR) dual z issue (disconnected 1 in an attempt to level and didn't see much difference, the BTT has two connectors for dual z but run off one stepper driver as I understand it, I am using the y cable for only one stepper motor, while the other motor has its own cable).

I use klipper with a RPi zero 2 w.

I just can't seem to figure out that has been causing the issue since the board swap.

Anyone have some ideas as where to point me?

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