It's amazing how good 30+ year old Car Talk episodes are, as someone who had never listened while they were on the air and stumbled into the edited NPR rereleases a couple years back.
Civilization 4 was good at launch. Naturally it got even better over time.
Worth a mention that 4 is the most recent of these games released primary on physical hardware. That meant patching was a more difficult process so they actually had to hire a bunch of play testers to test stuff (and fix the problems they found). Contrast that to the approach of the most recent three games, which had their customers pay $70 for the privilege of being beta testers.
This is a shitty way to develop games. We should be mad about it because we deserve better.
It’s also the team anthem of Emglish football team West Ham United FC.
And a well-chosen anthem it is!
Sure! Here's my crude, MS-Paint-esque diagram:
1-6 are pretty obvious, just marked with numbers. 7 and 8 are circled with a line looping back to their number. 8 is just peeking around a corner, while 7 is only barely visible, with part of the top of his head peaking out from behind 5's neck.
I count eight Kims (two of them only partially visible) in that shot of the prison cell, and there's a fair bit of room around the corner for more to be hidden. I think it's also easy to believe there are more cells containing more Kims just down the hall.
It's reasonable to assume that the Defiant class's 50 crew compliment is pretty close to a bare minimum already. 16-17 active at any one time is a pretty short list as it is, with roughly half that posted to the bridge during normal operations and most of the rest in engineering, plus a transporter chief, doctor, and other specialists. Having two shifts of reserves is crucial for covering both a long term assignment and for battle situations: you need to keep the crew as fresh as possible in the long run, and in combat you need those people to fill in for casualties and act as damage control, security, and emergency medical personnel. So unless Section 31's strategic level idiocy extends all the way down to inane meddling in shipboard operations (possible, these guys are morons with dangerously inflated egos!), it should be safe to assume that the Anaximander was supposed to be staffed with about 50 crew.
That sidesteps the question of why all of these comically evil people are okay with using this arbitrary contest to determine succession, instead of the usual route of organically murdering each other until someone emerges who is good enough at disposing of potential assassins that they keep the throne for a while?
I didn't watch the movie, so I'm probably missing something. Did Georgiou also have to deal with a bunch of normal assassination plots after officially gaining the throne? Or are we to assume that by virtue of winning this contest, she is widely seen as too dangerous for anyone to attempt to usurp?
Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Barclay?
Lieutenant Barklay and the huge, powerful, and successful paramilitary organization who employs him are exactly who is supposed to guard Federation worlds. Which is what they do.
That makes quite a bit more sense, and if that was the intention I wish they'd been a little more explicit about it. I didn't even realize the implant was mucking with his emotional processing? Despite the Episode 1 throwaway line about it being a "Vulcan" implant, he seemed to have pretty normal emotional responses to me.
The showrunners said from a very early point that the two would not get together during the shows run, and I get the distinct impression that they actively enjoy trolling shippers. So this is pretty much exactly what I expected, and I'm perfectly happy with it.
(Also, look at Tendi in that last scene, when she gets a scan of Rutherford during a conversation about them being "just friends". She saw something on that Tricorder which she didn't expect, and then when Rutherford gets up and has his back turned, she's clearly checking him out. Draw your own conclusions.)
The overall Rutherford arc was less successful. I guess they seeded it previously, but I always just assumed his implant was on the fritz, so it was odd to see him suddenly blaming the ship.
I am at a loss as to how Rutherford's implant could be flexible enough to function as part of his brain in day-to-day life, and yet somehow be incapable of helping him solve engineering problems on an old ship? Is there some kind of weird DRM installed that prevents it from opening schematics older than a couple years? Or is all the data on California class systems stored in a file format that they latest and greatest starfleet tech can't open? Both of which would be rather colossal failures of Federation computer tech.
This was a pretty solid episode with some very good jokes (the thing about creating a warp field with one nacelle was fantastic, for example), but I left feeling underwhelmed because of the bizare "the first officer is two LTJGs" thing. Lower Decks has had a shockingly strong track record of not doing things that strike me as immediately stupid, but this is really silly. "Ransom must be pulling another twisted prank, because he's not this bad at his job" level silly. I think it's still better than promoting Tilly to XO, but that's a bar I had hoped this show would remain well clear of and a close shave is disappointing.
I think I understand why they did this: there's no obvious non-specialist XO candidate of an appropriate rank in the main cast (arguably Shax, but he's "only" a LT and does not seem ready for the job), and they didn't want to just trot out a handwave and say they'll be picking up the XO at the next starbase or something. I'd also theorize that they had planned to have two more seasons in which to work Mariner and Boimler into positions where they might actually make sense for an XO billet. But they aren't there yet, and they both know it.
Also, gosh would that alternate universe explorer thing have been useful in DISCO S3. And probably Prodigy too. It's also a dangerous can of worms to open for future stories, because having reliable access to random slightly different universes, apparently at different points in their timelines, is incredibly useful for both anticipating and solving problems in the "prime" universe. There's also cool stuff they can do with it and I'm sure they will, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.
Finally, props to them for coming up with a more plausible reason for our heroes to literally save the universe: because someone connected to them got unwittingly thrown into a position of enormous influence, and deliberately picked them. It's Zeus and company antagonizing Hercules, not Michael Burnham being central to solving five (?) entirely unrelated but galactically significant disasters, apparently by pure chance.
I still have a Reddit account and am willing to help people figure out Lemmy registration, but I do not moderate any active Reddit communities.