[-] [email protected] 71 points 8 months ago

I tried to watch the Thursday night football recap yesterday and accidentally opened YouTube instead of smarttube. I was shocked. I watched a minute of ads to start and one minute in I had another minute of ads. YouTube was basically unwatchable.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You realize the people who attacked them are also semites right? Semite doesn't equal Jewish. Israel doesn't equal Judaism.

There are Jews in the US who are critical of the nation state of Israel. Curious how that fits in your framework. You think they are just ethnomasocists?

[-] [email protected] 23 points 9 months ago

Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends.

(Source: vegan arch user, I use arch btw, with no friends)

[-] [email protected] 47 points 10 months ago

My Chinese wife does this all the time.

It can make following a story so hard because people with gendered pronouns hang so much of the story on she said that to him and when the pronouns switch mid story even though she is still talking about the same person I am instantly like wow this doesn't even make sense. How is he now saying stuff to her, I thought he blocked her or something similar.

[-] [email protected] 57 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Alternative take. Fight hard for a promotion, of course if you can get a raise and promotion that is ideal. But usually companies get hung up on money.

If you can't get both don't hesitate to say, "I just want the title I don't need extra salary or anything. We can even take some of the extra work I've been doing and make them a normal part of my key responsibilities. "

Then as soon as you get it start applying to new jobs with that as your title. New jobs will always pay you significantly more for your new better title than the 2k or so you would get from a raise. I used this trick to triple my salary over 6 years, moving through a few jobs and from a receptionist to a Sr manager.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 11 months ago

Side note: I don't know if I was clinically dead in any of these.

I have three experiences. When I was 10 I was hit by an SUV travelling 50+ mph while walking across a highway. It knocked my shoes off and threw me dozens of feet. I still don't remember anything. Apparently I was unconscious for awhile. First responder said they saved my life while waiting for an air lift to take me to the hospital. It was the kind of nothing when you sleep and wake up.

The second I mixed a bunch of drugs. I think I was on 5 different ones. I took an absolutely massive rip of air duster and instantly my body was gone and so was anything resembling reality. I remember thinking ohhh I'm dead. My being and/or individuality was melting / merging into this infinitely recursuve fractal pattern. The sense I was an individual was an illusion. Then I snapped back into consciousness.

The third I definitely don't think I was dead, but it was a very relevant dream. The kind of dream that is so vivid it is indistinguishable from reality. I was completely sober at this point in my life (in part because of the experience above and another experience with hallucinogens where I saw the exact same thing the VFX artists made in the exorcism of emily rose, but I saw it before the movie was even made).

The dream started with me at my own funeral. I was for lack of a better word a spirit. I've never had dreams like this before or after.

The most fascinating thing was the sense of need and/or desire was completely gone. I felt the most free I had ever felt in my life. But I did have tasks. I had to visit my best friend Brant. He was in a very dark small place that I kind of transported to he was dead/ a spirit too. He apparently hasn't had a source of light here and I apparently had a small bit of shine. Because the room lit up a bit when I entered. We laughed about how weird it was that there were shadows even though we were semi transparent. Then my dad (whom I never saw but apparently was guiding me through my tasks) said I don't know how long you have left you need to go. So I left and I visited/transported to my mom who was also a spirit. We danced together. She was skinny and wearing a bright red dress. There was more light here but it was still nondescript. Then I woke up .

I sobbed like a baby for probably 30 minutes when I woke up. The biggest change was that I had desires again. I desperately wanted to stay in that state I was in during the dream. The best I can describe it is if you had a good job, had great sex, ate an amazing meal, than sat in your most comfortable chair next to the people you love, for a brief moment you wouldn't feel any base human level desire just a vague satisfaction. It was like that but times 100 and it was just the default state.

Since they dream I've only told it to strangers and Brant. Brant had since died via suicide at age 25. My mom who has been obese most of my life, has lost significant amounts of weight and now owns a strikingly similar dress. Honestly I don't know what to make of it. It still spooks me. It changed my life.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think it's this. Mom has watched a ton of true crime mystery or something similar and was hoping her kid would reply with some grizzly details about the particulars of the case. Instead he states the obvious and mom is like "ohhh probably best not to give the kid an infatuation with erotic asphyxiation so maybe I'll drop it."

[-] [email protected] 116 points 11 months ago

I didn't find this to be overly dramatic or sensationalized. I enjoy knowing when one of the people I regularly watch are in fact assholes. Note, he didn't say they were assholes. He merely repeated what they did and called out issues. He said he wouldn't be covering the channel anymore after their response. Just decent journalism in my opinion.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 11 months ago

Bin Laden was terrible but I don't know about him and hitler in the same category.

He watched thousands of his own people and civilians get killed by the US before he reacted. Was his reaction wrong? Yes. Should he have stood trial in the US? Yes. Is he on the same scale as hitler? Not even close.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago

Programming teams I've worked with are a joke.

Company A: We got hacked and the lead dev argued for days it wasn't a hack. Malware was actively being served to customers during this time period because she refused to deal with it and there was no security team.

Company B: programming team was the IT guys nephew and some random UI designer who hadn't finished college and was never able to be employed after finishing college..

Company C: We interviewed a candidate who was way over qualified and would make our life so easy because he was eager and hungry. Instead we hired a bootcamper who had never heard of docker (half our infra is docker), react, or anything other than vanilla JavaScript. She failed our practical but still got hired because the hiring manager wanted and assistant. She has become a glorified project manager, but still has the title software engineer.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Until we live in a world where people have equal access to information and essential technology piracy is a moral imperative.

Should something which costs a few hours worth of work in the developed word cost three weeks worth of work in a less developed country, just to make a publishing company worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars a few extra bucks? Of course not!

Every other argument is a moot point to me. If I hadn't pirated Photoshop and other software when I was a poor kid I wouldn't have the six figure career I have today. The ultrarich steal from us every day in more ways than I can count. Maybe when they start being held accountable I will start caring about their bottom line.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 1 year ago

"... not going to change anything"

Yet look what happened to the fediverse. I wouldn't be here without his boneheaded move. So it already changed things for me and thousands more like me. I don't plan on going back.

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