[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

The difference in current trajectory of Merc vs. Aston? With Merc he would have a good chance of getting wins next season and Antonelli is not certain to get into Merc after one year, especially if Alonso out performed George.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I suspect he's still hoping for Merc, it's still a moonshot for Merc to sign Max, so they are hedging between Carlos and Max. Red Bull would also become available if Max left, no way Red Bull would promote any of the two RB drivers through choice and Carlos would be their best bet.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Are you forgetting Starmers statements around women only spaces as it seems like it.

Farages entire point of existence is to drag the overton window to the right, which he succeed yet again, particularly around Brexit.

The other big concession Starmer made, this time because of the Tories, was not to raise taxes, which was also incredibly dumb. As was honouring triple lock.

My biggest issue with Starmer making claims like these is that he will stick to them. Someone like Boris is too lazy and an out and out liar so has no problem dropping things. Starmers big pitch to be different is that he will stick with what he says.

By sticking to what he said around terfs issues, Brexit, taxes, he really fucks his options in these areas, and for what? As you and I have both said, toil not out crazy Farage or be trusted by people who these are important issues for, so it's a massively stupid thing to do.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

It's dependent on whose corner it is as judged by the rules and stewards, your corner or 50 50, you were pushed, their corner and you ran wide. At some point you can't make the corner and it was never yours to stay in front without going wide.

You'll still get the penalty if you stayed ahead going wide (not pushed wide) and stay ahead by not handing the place back. We see that all the time already...

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

The only reason he was out there was because it was faster, it's the only reason they all do it. If it's meant to be part of the track then it would be in the race director's notes for where the track limit is for that corner.

So basically he can fuck off as it should be the same for everyone, that's the whole point of the race directors notes to make that clear to every driver. It ceases to be an advantage of everyone can do it so making it a grey area is his point here.

Now when it comes to overtaking if you get pushed wide that should be interpreted one way with it absolutely not counting to your track limits violations and if you choose to run wide to hold onto the position that should be interpreted the other way.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Just makes starmers buffoonery of stating we will not rejoin in his lifetime, likely to be another 30 years, look daft. Labour was never going to be a trusted choice for ex ukippers choosing who to vote for this time no matter what he said. It's pointless pandering that will cost him long-term as either we stay out and carry on costing the economy or he rejoins and looks a flipper.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

Rather Corbyn than the asshat Labour fielded against him. If they'd picked someone who didn't have a hard on for privatisation they might have won...

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

She wanted to be in the prime position of rebuilding the Tory party with her anti deep state, libertarian ass hattery. It has been obvious since she fucked up that the Tories were going to lose this election big time and she had one of the safest seats in the Country so she would have been confident she would have retained it.

The other option she would have wanted to achieve this aim, to be promoted to the House of Lords, is out as there is currently a queue of ex PMs as no Tory PM wanted to promote either Blair or Brown and its normally done in order.

Make no mistake, there is going to be a vicious fight of the direction the Tories take with this period of rebuilding.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Yet Lib Dems gained a ton of seats with over 70, and Reform only 4 at the time of me writing my message. Lib Dem wasn't that far behind total percentage of the vote vs. Reform, 12% vs, 14%, which considering they are almost opposite platforms means we shouldn't be talking about Reform in isolation.

Labours total vote percentage is down from 2017 and only a few percent up from 2019, so the Tories collapsed losing about 20% of the vote from 2019. Labour following the center right meant they lost more moderate votes to Lib Dems and were not trusted on right wing issues as Reform picked up those votes.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 days ago

So looking forward to the next five years...

Looking at how Reform and Lib Dems made significant gains in vote share you have to wonder if its still worth Labour chasing after the right wing vote that Reform achieved. I just do not see the where the voters who voted Reform actually believe Starmer on the key issues that Reform campaigned on, immigration, anti "woke", and Brexit. I cannot see Labour ever gaining the lead on those issues over someone like Farage who will always position himself to the right of whatever Labour or the Tories campaign on. I cant even see Labour being trusted at the voting booth on these right wing issues over a rebuilt Tory party. Its a fools errand to try.

The Lib Dem vote share, as with Reform, boosted by previous Tory voters but Lib Dems campaigned on almost the opposite of Reform (with some tactical, local, NIMBYism) and achieved way more seats on a lower overall percentage vote than Reform. If you are going to pick a direction to go in, wouldn't it make more sense to move towards the Lib Dems position to shore up in time for the next election?

Labour did worse total percentage of the vote than 2017, its more that the Tories collapsed losing about 20% of their vote that caused this swing in seats. The Tories will rally next time around and a lot of the seats look winnable for them with only a small local swing. The current stance of Labour simply isn't popular enough to be a vote winner against a rebuilt Tory party.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Didn't she have literally one of the safest seats in the country? Lol

If she loses it's 100% certainty that she blames the deep state for election fraud. No way she takes her loss with good graces.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 4 days ago

There usually has to be a lever for the far right to use, usually rampant economic inequality. Ardern never really addressed the fucked up housing market in NZ, which was the perfect tax free investment vehicle for those with money. Deny people the right to get their own place and move on with adulthood and you have a pretty big lever that the far right can use to fenagle their corporate sponsored anti environment bullshit with a dash of fascism into power.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Spoiler, its RDT

In case people do nto know what RDT is, which they really should if they have been into coffee for a little while as it makes a big difference:

RDT is Ross Droplet Technique, which is very much adding water to beans. Named after David Ross who came up with it back in 2005

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The postman delivered a new to me DF83 Gen 1 with SSP HU burrs. Just had fun dialing it in over lunch for espresso. It is a huge step up from the Niche Zero it replaces for espresso.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Very interesting grinder for those that like to experiment with different burrs as it supports both conical and flat burrs. I think only the niche zero with a 3rd party kit did that so far?

Can't say it would replace multiple grinders with just one for me as it still takes too long to switch over but I could definitely see myself switching burrs when I change over bags once or twice a month.

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