I didn't know, that HotS was still around. It's been YEARS since I've played my last round!
FrEiE MeInUnGsÄuẞeRuNg!!!1!1!111!1!
No, but the soil had a pH of 6 when I first used it and the rain water I use for watering should be around 5.6.
Thanks for your advice. I'll try giving them more nutrients and keep them damp. This will be difficult for me because I've conditioned myself to only water when the top 3 - 5 cm of the soil are dry... I killed more plants by overwatering than uunderwatering...
They alread have fruit but I read that cucumbers keep producing fruit as long as I harvest them before they're fully ripe.
Yes it's my first time growing cucumbers. I water them when the soil at the top of the container is dry two knuckles deep. This happens every few days. Maybe this is not often enough?
Thanks! It's possible. I now removed the affected leaves and started changing the nutrition of the plants to rule out any nutrient deficiencies that I may have caused by skipping "proper" nutrients and relying on my home made slurry.
Thanks for you thoughts! I didn't know perlite didn't do anything for drainage. I honestly thought aeration and drainage were more or less two sides of the same coin.
I haven't found any signs of spider mites (no webbing).
I've taken the affected leaves off and started feeding the plants with proper nutrients (COMPO Grow Organic for the time being, because its available and at least works great with my cannabis plants). Maybe my home made slurry is part of the problem.
I'd think that the cucumbers don't get too much water because I water them when the soil is dry about two knuckles deep which proved appropriate for Alle my plants.
Thanks, I'll try feeding the cucumbers with my cannabis nutrients. It's COMPO Grow Organic by the way.
Yes, they are in the same soil but I didn't use special cannabis soil but instead a simple potting soil mixed with some perlite for better drainage. I also added some horn buckle before planting.
No I don't think so. In German it's called "Jauche" and is a natural fertilizer that you get when you let plant parts (often nettle or goutweed) sit in water for a few weeks.
I thought the drainage of the soil was good enough. It's potting soil mixed with ~ 10 % perlite for drainage. The pots I use are textile pots with good drainage and I try to wait wi watering until the soil is at least 3 - 5 cm dry.
Maybe you got have a point with your suspicion that the container maybe limiting the plants... Next year I'll definitely plant my cucumber plants in a raised bed.
No, the cannabis is fed with a special cannabis fertilizer.
Das sind 25-l-Pötte, hab beim Einkauf etwas übertrieben. 😬