There is a 2?
People's brand loyalty is just ridiculous. Every one of these multi-national corporations are profit driven and don't give a flying fuck about; you, the environment or their workers, unless it impacts their bottom line.
I have a Fitbit sense, it has a blood oxygen estimation but not constant, doesn't really do blood pressure.
If you are just looking for those metrics then it doesn't do a bad job, basically a lifestyle tracker. If you are looking at it from a sports perspective I'd recommend a Garmin over a Fitbit.
I don't have any experience with any others though.
Maybe 'A friend of my wife and I'?
My laymen's thought is that Chrystal growth requires nucleation points in the solution to start it off. In uG I guess the impurities required for the nucleation would be more evenly distributed and it means that as the crystals grow they would be more uniform. Having said that, I expect they just crush it all up in to a powder anyway so maybe that's not the case.
If the winning team commits a penalty/s in the last two minutes, the game doesn't end until the penalty/ies are over.
It requires that they be within a drawable margin of course.
If you rub poo on your hand and run it under a fast flowing tap, it will not be clean unless you use some mechanical process.
I agree with someone else here that a combination is the best method.
I own a bidet and don't use it because I have to wipe dry afterwards anyway and most of the time there is still poop there.
That entirely depends on the plant. There are many that can live in shade. Anything that would usually live on a forest floor can survive. We have a north facing house and our living space is very green, try; devil's ivy, calathia, and ferns.
Nice, seems dependable. Is Boston a good NCAA team?
A toasted bagel with salted butter and whole earth peanut butter. I already eat it for a third of my meals.
I've had ok results from recruiters. They will work hard to find you a job because they get a significant commission when they find an employee. The downside is they can be pushy and will try to get you to accept a job quickly once you've interviewed.
Taking a crap (crappers were common toilets back in the day, I actually used a crapper toilet recently, that was a day to remember)
Us Brits offten call the toilet 'the bog'
Doing a poo is the most frequent in my house.