Feeling generous, were we?
I've seen live hinge trim, where it's a single piece of plastic but thin in the middle to act as a live hinge, and it's just pressed on to each edge.
For that and other options I'd see what you find at McMaster Carr and go from there.
Cheapo short-term option: use duct tape on both sides as a live hinge.
I have to ask, what's this based on? What media am I missing?
Wait, I can pick THREE???
And don't forget some orange drink for the long drive home!
Not Walter? I call BS.
This would be a fine 4th law.
I'm no fighter, but he can just fucking try.
Just got mine a few weeks ago, after my 5T finally started using most of its battery during a normal day. Got a solid 7 years out of it. So far the 13 is solid, and I'm looking forward to the next 5-7 years with it.
So far the most battery I've used is 50% in one day, and that's only charging it up to 80%. I could probably make it last over 2 days if I needed to.
Wait, you're supposed to organize your spare cables??
Is anyone even trying?