So you're telling me that most of the country agrees with her policy more than trump's, yet the majority still voted for trump? I wonder if this might have something to do with racism and sexism.
I ignored the next paragraph because it doesn't sometimes matter, it always matters. Racism doesn't suddenly start working because a person made a mistake. It might latch on to a mistake, but it can and will work without it. That is what I believe happened this election.
Republicans have the racist/sexist vote locked up no matter who is running.
That is an extremely reductive narrative that ignores how prejudice actually works in this country. Racist and sexist biases conscious or not shaped perception of Harris on the left, right, and everywhere inbetween. Prejudice is not a binary thing. It is a cultural force that is more than capable of impacting the decision making of people who are not outwardly racist/sexist.
Trusting that guy is a terrible idea. A random person is much more credible.
Your argument is one you see very often among those that espouse the lost cause narrative.
I will admit to misinterpreting a speech, but do not accuse me of that. Thinking Lincoln was not necessarily against slavery does not mean I am pro slavery.
I was unaware Lincoln held such strong abolitionist beliefs, he isn't lying that he was quiet about it for a long time. Rereading the quote, it does seem clear he is carefully trying to avoid mentioning his actual attitudes on the subject while negotiating with the south.
I clearly haven't done enough research into that part of Lincoln's life. I apologize for acting like I have, that quote seemed very much like it was said by someone indifferent to slavery. And the initial use of abolitionism as a tool to help the north in the civil war lined up with that interpretation.
"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. " -- Abraham Lincoln
He literally could not have possibly been more clear about this.
Presidential pardons apply only to federal crimes, and he does not have the power to deschedule anything. He has the power to ask the dea to request the scheduling be reconsidered.
A brief lawsuit that will only exist if you are wealthy or can find contingency representation.
He was the best possible man to be president at that time, my point really is just that the president alone cannot make massive changes like that. I probably could have worded that better.
Every race/ethnicity/nationality thinks they have the worst parents.