Well, think about it. If you are writing software that already exists, it's not innovative. But, think about how rare that is. Has anyone combined the business logic in your specific way before? Chances are no, because if they had, they already beat you to market or you can reuse yourself.
Hey, I do this. Sort of. Makes me wonder if I added my deck into the routine if it would be more effective.
Work that no one has done before and is an interesting problem I can dive into and become a wizard on in no time. Only problem is I rarely get the time required to do it, unless I sacrifice personal time or maybe a goat
How do you think Beans became a thing?
I'll tell you, if we were all on my Adderall 24/7, beans, beef stroganoff, stock photos, etc would all be a weird eyebrow raise before onto the next post.
Ok. Part 1 is done. Part 2 & 3 (order doesn't matter) is that Trump ends sanctions and then stages a massive false flag attack that they then blame on Ukrainian Extremists upset over the ending of support to enact a full police state.
Part 4: ???
Part 5: profit
I ain't saying that's a viable alternative
But it's probably more fun
I'm pretty certain they'll still be able to report a crime, but it becomes selectively enforced and used to control people.
Or they encourage victims to speak up, then force them to marry their rapist and remove all agency from them in that marriage to prevent them from speaking about it again.
Or both.
Or something worse than all of the above.
So, funny story. I like to joke that I'm prescient.
In 3rd Grade, about the year 2000, I heard a news story about Vladimir Putin. This was long before I understood fuck and all about Jack and shit. I told my mom "that guy is pure evil." I remembered her telling me "Gotta give Russia a chance." I'm fairly certain she meant a "chance to remove him" now, but at the time I was like "ok, but he's clearly evil."
25 years later I remember that as my second premonition. I'm sure I heard something from someone about how he was behind the apartment bombing false flag and that's what connected it.
The first premonition was when I grabbed a pillow in the car and squeezed it about 20 seconds before my dad hit an ice patch in our car and spun out into a bridge wall. Again, I'm sure I just got frightened by the cold weather and being on the road for about an hour.
Unfortunately, none of it has been terribly useful. Although one time I had a dream where they had rib sandwiches as school, and if I went with the burger I would be disappointed because my friends were all talking about this crazy good sandwich they served at school. So I got the rib sandwich and it was amazing and they were right.
Incel Camino
That's a good one I like it
Normally I'd say "that's not how it works" but given the shit we've seen it might in fact work
Crime, unfortunately.
Money laundering is done to "clean" illegal profit (hence the name). Say your business sells a bit of a meth precursor to a high school chemistry teacher for more than it would legally. You need a way to explain the extra money, and a way to explain where than precursor went.
Things that this won't protect: sex work, drug dealing, hawking stolen goods. Things this will protect: owning a building where you were unaware every tenant was a sex worker, running logistics company that some bad apples on the exact same routes always carried packages of cocaine, or selling artifacts smuggled out of foreign countries.
1500 hours in. I’m not even really that good at it
I suck at some of the games I have a lot of time in. But that's mostly because I learned to stop caring about how good I am, and just enjoyed them.
But, it's a different shitty way of doing it.
It might just cause the next iteration to be less shitty. If not there are then 3.
This is how Windows was made.