[-] nhowell77 3 points 1 week ago

Honestly can't believe I completely missed the space in Wanted By. This is likely the bigger culprit to the failed to run error. Poster above me is correct should read


[-] nhowell77 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

If that is your full .service file you are missing the directive to tell the daemon what user to run under. Under service try adding



Before the ExecStart command line.

[-] nhowell77 2 points 3 weeks ago

I spent the money on the Tailwind smart opener. The app has a built in smart connection that will open/close the door on arrival so long as the phone is paired to a Bluetooth device (settings programmable in the app).

That said I don't actually use the app for my open/close function. I integrated Tailwind into my home assistant setup. For my garage door (we have 2) it opens/closes the correct one for my bike based on my phone being paired to my Cardo. I setup the same for my wife's bike. And for the other door it functions based on my wife's phone being paired to her car Bluetooth. Works perfectly every time, as long as the Internet doesn't fail me.

Looking back I know now there were definitely less expensive options to achieve the same thing. And had I had more time to tinker with it all I likely would have built something by hand. I just needed something that worked with minimal effort or tinkering. When it comes to home automation it has to work the first time or the wife doesn't approve. 😂

[-] nhowell77 3 points 1 month ago

Good luck. Fingers crossed it's your solution, and an easy one at that.

[-] nhowell77 7 points 1 month ago

Quick web search led me to this which is an Acer owner trying to install PopOS. Likely similar steps that you will need to follow to be successful.

[-] nhowell77 35 points 2 months ago

My general rule with my bike... Any sign of a hole is not worth the risk. Is it fixable? Maybe? Is the risk worth the cost of replacement, for myself and my family... Absolutely not.

That said, take it to a shop and get the word from an expert. Don't trust your life to the opinions of the Internet based off of a picture of your tire.

[-] nhowell77 3 points 2 months ago

Now that's just anti-opossum propaganda!

[-] nhowell77 2 points 3 months ago

Seems like maybe a good use for Kasm Workspaces. Use persistence in each session to save settings, files etc...

[-] nhowell77 10 points 8 months ago

I use Jellyfin. You have to install the Bookshelf plugin (or at least I didn't the time I set it up, may be a default now). Saves progress, and gives me one less service to manage as I use Jellyfin for Movies, TV, and Music libraries already.

[-] nhowell77 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm good with sticking with plain old motherfucker and have absolutely zero intention of replacing it with some convoluted bullshit alternative. I figure if he/she/it/they/them are offended by my use of the word motherfucker then it's aimed at he/she/it/they/them anyway and all those motherfuckers can get fucked and stay fucked. Tired of catering to everyone's sensibilities. Grow a pair, or a twat, put on your grown up panties and get the fuck over it.

[-] nhowell77 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Go here. Not perfect, yet. But feels like home.

[-] nhowell77 5 points 1 year ago

I prefer KDE Plasma myself. I could never wrap my feeble brain around the Gnome workflow. Plus I prefer the customizability of Plasma.

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