Can I actually take the whole exam and find out? And how much time do I get to study, because one of the questions they show in the article straight up says to write an essay on one of the list of topics provided.
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I do not pass regular English exams and I am going to pass old ones.
I got c right!
Not gonna lie. I'm 47, and probably couldn't pass an English exam from modern days, let alone one from 1913.
The first essay question isn’t that far off from a modern Ph.D. exam, but it’s too vague. I expect otherwise it’s the same, with citations from memory.
For a moment I read the headline as "in 1913" rather than "of 1913", and thought to myself, don't be silly, I wasn't born then and neither were you.
Also, there are a few people alive today who are older than 112, but they might not have been able to take the test, either then or now.
At some point in the last few years I've started to physically feel 112.
So. Much. This.