submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Greetings, self-hosting enthusiasts and welcome to the Selfhosted group on Lemmy! I am Fimeg, your tour guide through the labyrinth of digital change. As you're likely aware, we're witnessing a considerable transformation in the landscape of online communities, particularly around Reddit. So let's indulge our inner tech geeks and dive into the details of this issue, and explore how we, as a self-hosting community, can contribute to the solution.

The crux of the upheaval is a policy change from Reddit that's putting the existence of beloved third-party apps, like Reddit is Fun, Narwhal, and BaconReader, in jeopardy. Reddit has begun charging exorbitant fees for API usage, so much so that Apollo is facing a monthly charge of $1.7 million. The ramifications of these charges have resulted in an outcry from the Reddit community, leading to a number of subreddits planning to go dark in protest.

These actions have pushed many users to seek out alternative platforms, such as Lemmy, to continue their digital explorations. The migration to Lemmy is especially significant for us self-hosters. Third-party applications have long been a critical part of our Reddit experience, offering unique features and user experiences not available on the official app.

As members of the Selfhosted group on Lemmy, we're not just bystanders in this shift - we have the knowledge, skills, and power to contribute to the solution. One of the ways we can contribute is by assisting with the archiving efforts currently being organized by r/datahoarder on Reddit. As self-hosting enthusiasts, we understand the value of data preservation and have the technical acumen required to ensure the wealth of information on Reddit is not lost due to these policy changes.

So, while we navigate this new territory on Lemmy, let's continue to engage in productive discussions, share insights, and help to shape the future of online communities. Your decision to join Lemmy's Selfhosted group signifies a commitment to maintain the spirit of a free and open internet, a cause that is dear to all of us.

Finally, in line with the spirit of the original Reddit post, if you wish to spend money, consider supporting open-source projects or charities that promote a free and accessible internet.

With that, let's roll up our digital sleeves and embark on this new journey together. Welcome to the Selfhosted group on Lemmy!

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When I open a file Jellyfin always shows "fetching additional data".

Is there a way to do that before opening a file, ideally for all files?

cc @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17048910

Got this server for free, so I talked about it on my blog !

Do you guy have any ideas on what I could run or install on this thing ? (For fun of course, nothing serious!)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Howdy All! I've been self hosting some services on a pi 4 for a year or two now and have been fiddling with new services lately. I realized I'm pushing 60% or so of RAM and maxing out the SWAP file while fiddling with things. I currently just set up a nightly reboot as a temporary solution but I'm thinking about picking up a mini PC of some sort to replace it with, and wanted to get input from the community (Read: people smarter than me haha.)

I'm happy to hear any preferences anyone would care to share on hardware. I know obviously more RAM is key, as far as I'm aware CPU isn't super important and any recent-ish box will probably have a fine enough processor in it, and of course I'll probably end up getting a bigger external drive to hook up to it but that's not a big deal.

Also, I'm currently running docker/portainer on an OMV core, just how I learned/got into self hosting. Should I take the opportunity to learn Kubernetes or some other big boy system? I've not done alot of reading into it but I know clusters are gaining steam these days even for self hosting, would that be valuable to learn more about as a hobbyist/enthusiast/whatever? I'm fairly competent and used to have some CompTIA certs but as such I know better than to unnecessarily complicate my life lol. It sounds cool but I don't see a use case in my personal usage.

Thank y'all for your time and knowledge!

I'm currently running: Baikal, Bookstack, Bitwarden, Duplicati, Filebrowser, freshrss , Linkwarden, Apache, Navidrome, nginx, portainer, rpi-monitor, searxng, stirlingpdf, syncthing, watchtower,

I'm considering: Nextcloud, Maybe a game server or two depending on the needs?, Whatever else seems interesting, I guess :P

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Self hosting kids-friendly multiplayer games on Raspberry Pi 4

I'm working on a little project and I would like to have some multiplayer game that I can play with the kids. Ideally they should be little kids friendly, so no doom or quake.

I tried Minecraft, bedrock but the latency over wifi (and it needs to be over wifi for my project) is really bad.

In an ideal situation, I'd like to have one or more games that
- Can be played in multiplayer mode
- Ideally you only need the browser
- Is relatively lightweight, so can be run on a Raspberry Pi with Wifi

Any suggestions besides the one I mentioned? Maybe some emulator that can be used? Thanks!

cc @[email protected] @[email protected]

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Question about replacing/expanding a disk

I have a small mini pc as server similar to [1], which has a super nice small form and has an internal slot for a 2.5" ssd disk. Currently I have a 2TB SSD, but it is filling up rapidly.

My options are:

  1. Buy a way more expensive 8TB SSD and replace the existing one
  2. Buy a much cheaper 8TB HDD + enclosure and connect it via USB.

I wonder what are the pros and cons of each option. I like 1 more because the form factor of the homelab is maintained and I don't need to plug yet another thing. OTOH I'm allergic to spending money 😆 so a cheaper solution (about 4 times cheaper) is always welcome.

Maybe I'm missing a third alternative? Opinions?

[1] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BVLS7ZHP/

cc @[email protected] @[email protected]

Decentralized Encrypted P2P Chat (chat.positive-intentions.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Id like to introduce you to a decentralized chat app that works purely in the browser. Breaking away from traditional solutions that require registration and installation.

A decentralized infrastructure has many unique challenges and this is a unique approach. Ive taken previsous feedback and made updates. Its important to note, it is still a work-in-progress and provided for testing/review/feedback purposes. it would be great if you can tell me what you think.

Some of the features of the app include:

  • Free
  • Decentralised
  • No cookies
  • P2P encrypted
  • No registration
  • No installing
  • Group messaging
  • Text messaging
  • Multimedia messaging
  • Offline messaging (LAN/hotspot)
  • File transfer
  • Video calls
  • Data-ownership
  • Selfhosted (optional)
  • Screensharing (on desktop browsers)
  • OS notifications (where supported)

With no registration or installation required, its easy to get started.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Is there a feature in a CI/CD pipeline that creates a snapshot or backup of a service's data prior to running a deployment? The steps of a ideal workflow that I am searching for are similar to:

  1. CI tool identifies new version of service and creates a pull request
  2. Manually merge pull request
  3. CD tool identifies changes to Git repo
    1. CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup
    2. CD tool deploys update
  4. Issue with deployment identified that requires rollback
    1. Git repo reverted to prior commit and/or Git repo manually modified to prior version of service
    2. CD tool identifies the rolled back version
      1. (OPTIONAL) CD tool creates data snapshot and/or data backup
      2. CD tool reverts to snapshot taken prior to upgrade
      3. CD tool deploys service to prior version per the Git repo
  5. (OPTIONAL) CD tool prunes data snapshot and/or data backup based on provided parameters (eg - delete snapshots after _ days, only keep 3 most recently deployed snapshots, only keep snapshots for major version releases, only keep one snapshot for each latest major, minor, and patch version, etc.)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Syncing password between firefox clones

I use floorp at home and firefox at work and I would like to sync password between those in a self-hosted way. I saw some mozilla server code somewhere to do so, but seems abandoned.

I would prefer a native mozilla-like solution instead of installing an extension, but if nothing else, that is also an alternative... suggestions?

cc @[email protected] @[email protected]

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm starting a project along with my siblings to scan all of the family negatives, slides, and photos in an effort to preserve them.

I currently have Immich as well as Nextcloud Memories internally. That said, neither seem to be ideally suited to this task. I'm looking for a solution that would allow all siblings the option to view and upload scanned pics to the same library as we work through the shoeboxes full of memories. While Immich and Nextcloud both have account support, I can't seem to find a way to share a library amongst all accounts.

Does anyone have any recommendations for this project? I would then backup the scanned pictures on my server as well as B2 storage for redundancy and each sibling should have the option to download and backup the same library however they see fit.

I'm running an Unraid server as well as NextcloudPi on a Pi4. I also have two very basic VPSes that I rent.

I've looked at both ente.io and PiWiGo, but am currently having trouble getting either to work (still learning this selfhost stuff). I'd like to know if anyone has used either in this type of capacity before I spend more time trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Question about #restic (social.graves.cl)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Question about #restic

Currently I'm backing up my personal computer on a local server and a remote repository. The easiest solution is to have a cronjob for 2 processes. However, I'm wondering if it is possible to scan the files only once and send the backup updates to both repositories instead of doing two scans... suggestions?

cc @[email protected] @[email protected]

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The ports 80 and 443 are already used by Adguard Home. I didnt find any way to change those ports for Bitwarden.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hi i would like to build a media/download/nass that more expandible drive wise (needs to be able to stream media(jellyfin /use docker containers and have 3 a4 sata ports)

i currently im thinking on buying this motherboard/with built in cpu asrock-j3455-itx-mini-itx- and planning on adding cheap 16 gig ddr3 stics

the nice thing is its got 4x sata 3 ports and a m.2 for like 65 euro total

so my question is should i get one .if its still wort it .and would this work with my specified needs also what do i use as a psu /how much psu power do i need for 4 drives

and what are my exspansion options with the picie .and m2

would love to ad more sata conections trough the m.2 and pcie if posible

i kinda need a nass/media dowload pc /that has a few sata ports .and can run sonarr/prowlarr/jellyfin /qbittorent -running dietpi os /or debian

and run a few ssd/or/hd drives in raid 0 that is about it (ive have no need for drive redundancy thb it all gonna be torrented anime anyway) best leave no evidance of pireacy lol

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know it's a rude question, but it's been on my mind… I'm wondering roughly what I should be expecting to outlay when I finish my set-up? So I'm assuming it includes things like domain names, hosting for backups, email providers, VPN, etc. What's a good budget to set?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lazysoci.al/post/13140041

Biggest takeaway… congratulations to Immich and Futo!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15121280

preferably with a web console (not required)

Edit: I went with this as a solution for now: https://github.com/Ashfaaq18/OpenNetMeter

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This morning I was going through my usual routine of doing a docker pull and I saw that Paperless had an update. Upon checking the Github, I noticed that my version was a lot older than what's currently available. After a bit of digging, I realised that Linux Server deprecated their repository. Cool, no worries, let me switch to the new repository. I delete my Paperless and run the installer on the official repository and all was going perfectly. But I had a power cut. No worries, I go to the fuse box, reset the tripped switch and then manually pull in the Paperless directory to finish the installation. Only problem, I can't get it to work. I assume that something fucked up and so delete everything and try again. Only now, when it gets to creating the yaml files it says "no permission". I check the permissions and they're the same as everything else. Anyone got any idea of what's happening or how to fix it?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/8966140 Zoraxy describes itself as:

"General purpose request (reverse) proxy and forwarding tool for networking noobs. Now written in Go!".

Yet it seems to be packed with goodies and features, such as Geo-IP & Blacklist, ZeroTier controller integrated GAN, IP Scanner, Real Time Stats and even built in Uptime monitor. Addtionally, it can run via a single binary for those who don't want to rely on Docker. There is also an Unraid Template available from IBRACORP. Lastly the project is under the AGPL license 🌻

I also checked, and saw this was recommended on this community 9months ago, but didn't seem to get much attraction then. Has anyone tried this yet? It seems like a good alternative to say NGINX proxy manager and am wondering if I should switch, but wanted to hear thoughts first!

Zoraxy's Github list the following features:


  • Simple to use interface with detail in-system instructions
  • Reverse Proxy (HTTP/2)
    • Virtual Directory
    • WebSocket Proxy (automatic, no set-up needed)
    • Basic Auth
    • Alias Hostnames
    • Custom Headers
  • Redirection Rules
  • TLS / SSL setup and deploy
    • ACME features like auto-renew to serve your sites in https
    • SNI support (one certificate contains multiple host names)
  • Blacklist / Whitelist by country or IP address (single IP, CIDR or wildcard for beginners)
  • Global Area Network Controller Web UI (ZeroTier not included)
  • TCP Tunneling / Proxy
  • Integrated Up-time Monitor
  • Web-SSH Terminal
  • Utilities
    • CIDR IP converters
    • mDNS Scanner
    • IP Scanner
  • Others
    • Basic single-admin management mode
    • External permission management system for easy system integration
    • SMTP config for password reset


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submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My journey with docker started with a bunch of ill fated attempts to get an OpenVPN/qBittorrent container running. The thing ended up being broken and never worked right, and it put me off of VPN integration for another year or so.

Then recently I found Gluetun…and holy fucking cow. This thing is the answer to every VPN need I could possibly think of. I have set it up with 3 different providers now, and it has been more simple and reliable than the clients made by the VPN providers themselves every time.

If you combine the power of Gluetun with the power of Portainer, then you can even easily edit settings for your existing containers and hook them up to a VPN connection in seconds (or disconnect them). Just delete the forwarded ports in the original container, select the Gluetun container as the network connection, and then forward the same ports in Gluetun. Presto, you now have a perfectly functioning container connected to a VPN with a killswitch.

So if any of y’all on the high seas have considered getting more serious about your privacy, don’t do what I did and waste a bunch of time on a broken container. Use Gluetun. Love Gluetun. Gluetun is the answer.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm looking into hosting one of these for the first time. From my limited research, XMPP seems to win in every way, which makes me think I must be missing something. Matrix is almost always mentioned as the de-facto standard, but I rarely saw arguments why it is better than XMPP?

Xmpp seems way easier to host, requiring less resources, has many more options for clients, and is simpler and thus easier to manage and reason about when something goes wrong.

So what's the deal?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A few years ago I turned a pine64 rock64 SBC into a kodi box, and saw immediate performance improvement over the stock Roku chip on my TCL TV when streaming from SMB. As always "better" becomes... ehhhhh I want more. I want to stick with an SBC because of power consumption on a box that I'm going to leave running 24/7. So my question is: What's the best price to video performance SBC out there?

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Self Hosted - Self-hosting your services.

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A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don't control.



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