
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Und mit dem anderen Kommentar von OP, möchte ich ergänzen, dass Sozialwissenschaften ja auch nicht das Gegenteil von Asozial-(en)-Wissenschaft(en) ist

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Nah, I think, Trump still doesn't know he is the first lady
Just for show and shine and he has nothing actually to decide

(And I really hope this wasn't too misogynistic, because usually First Ladies seem to do quite reasonable stuff and complement politics with soft power, but Trump is just too stupid for that as well...
So maybe my comparison stinks...)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah, saw that too late on my small screen and deleted my comment afterwards. But seems federation was faster than me...

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Especially as those mocking people just read an article a few days ago and remembered it, but never really put a thought into it themselves
When I ask for help or say I don't understand it, it often doesn't mean, that I don't know the rough concept, but that I haven't had the time to go through it in detail, so I can integrate it in the complete system in my mind
So, as long as I can't really understand how it's doing what it's doing, I don't really know about it imho
By now I've understood the people brag with stuff they don't understand themselves. So sometimes I can just counter with detailed questions and they shut up, because they never thought about it.

Even more nerve wracking are the people just relying on words you don't know.
I'm since decades working as a SW Dev, but I've never finished university. So I usually know my way around and know concepts, but sometimes I don't know the academical terms for things.
Always led to me being silent and needing to lookup said words afterwards, just to discover that it's a known (and often easy) concept, but they make a dick comparing contest out of it.

By now I'm in a position (mentally and professionally), that I'm looked down anymore, when I ask for clarification, but took me quite some while to work up the courage - and I think the social position one is in, also sadly plays a major role

All in all, yeah, I had such people and the thing is, they're always insecure and just want to prematurely defend themselves, to cover themselves, so to say.

(Was written a bit non sober on the phone, hope it makes sense ;⁠-⁠))

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

Just do some more specific exercises and those products from our partners could luckily help in exact those situations!
Just buy an abo to get sweet rewards and a VIP-only training video, which tells you the secret, how our pro athletes get into shape quickly!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I think that tale is much older than modern society.
Everything that's rare is valuable.
Even experiences are valued that way.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

So, like Trump, Musk, Putin, Kim Jong-Un,...?
Pretty much every (wanna-be) dictator was/is a narcissistic petulant child.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

I'm not sure how the image looks on your side, but on my end there is nothing highlighted, but only striked through and I can't read these text parts anymore

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago (8 children)

And you still went for your edited version on not just gave up and post the original?
Not sure what to say. Maybe respect for your commitment?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Oh, c'mon. Tell in the title, that his happened that long ago.
I was really hyped that we just saw tectonic on the moon - although I have no idea how active the moon actually is

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Yeah, mixing with those filthy homo sapiens was a bad idea...


Hi all!

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm somehow stuck to open a file of a project in a separate window (to put it on another monitor)

I'm fed up with CLion and VSCode is too far from my vim past. So zed seemed like a nice choice, where I don't need to put so much work into getting a working dev env, as I would with (neo)vim - and also caring about extension compatibility with updates is a thing here...

So zed really seemed nice, but after getting my toes wet on my laptop, I switched to my workstation with 3 monitors and I can't find a way to have my project files open on my monitors/in different windows.

Am I just stupid or what am I doing wrong?

Googling told me, that other people have the same problem, but I can't really accept that a modern code editor isn't able to show a file in a different window.

Is this still true?
That sadly would be a show killer, as I can't even open up the same project in a separate zed instance - it just switches to the existing open project

Any help here would be really appreciated.
I really don't want to fall back to CLion - again :⁠'⁠(
Especially as that one is getting more and more bloated and even with the same settings currently behaves different on my laptop and workstation. But it could be that I'm just missing something here...and that's not really the topic anyway

Thanks in advance!


Hi all!

Maybe I'm just clumsy, but had anyone else problems closing the new folio (non typed) covers, when they are completely folded back?

I already had one remarkable pro slip and completely damaged because of that - luckily reMarkable was awesome enough to replace it.

But with the old covers I never had this problem. Seems like there isn't much space to put my fingers to separate the back and front cover again.

Maybe it's just a technique issue and so I'm asking how you guys are doing that


Hi all!

It seems I'm just too stupid to set the preferred/required languages in Sonarr/Radarr.

I'd like to have English, if German is not available - or maybe just a version with both.

I've looked through the trash guides and setup a custom format. But shouldn't that already trigger re-downloads for my stuff or do I need to activate this custom profile somehow?

Sorry, but after paying around for some time, I feel pretty much lost...

Thanks for every hint and help!


Hi all!

I'm currently looking into the flipper zero as a portable device to help me analyze stuff in my work.
I'm travelling as a software developer, but often need to work at a very low level with hardware in the automation industry.

I've found the Flipperscope, but I'll also need something to record streams of data on serial interfaces with different baudrates - and any other interface to gather raw data would be awesome as well (Ethernet, Profibus, Profinet, CAN,...)
Also, the IOs would need to be able to handle something like 5/12-24/32V.

I'm not quite sure where I should start to look or if the flipper even is a good device for that.
But the form factor and option for extendability seems very intriguing.

Thanks upfront for any input!

Markdown Test (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

had some trouble figuring out how strike through works, so I need to play around a bit


~~how about whole paragraphs?
next line as well

next paragraph~~

~~maybe just single lines?~~


it seems, when there is a load issue for the comments of a post, I'm just getting shown the comments of the previously opened post.

Which is pretty confusing ;⁠-⁠)

anyone else or is it just me?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hi all!

I do see the correct amount of posts in the overview, but the posts screen itself is empty.

not sure if this is a Jerboa issue or one of the Sopuli instance


edit: thanks to burgersc12 & jcreazy I tried toggling the "Show read posts" option and although it was originally activated, after reactivating I can now see me own posts again :⁠-⁠D
so, problem solved - but the behaviour was still very strange

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

well, ironically I try to solve this with creating a post. but also my profile shows, that I never created any posts. not sure if this is a Sopuli issue :⁠-⁠\

is it just me?

edit: ok, at least at Sopuli/local it's working. strange thing


not sure if this will be a double post - somehow my first try didn't show up


sounds a bit stupid, but since the last update I do get answers to my comments in my messages, but I can't directly answer them, or I don't find the correct button for that

now I go to to the original thread, search for my comment, scroll through the answers, pick the one I wanted to reply to and then I can answer

I'm not sure, if I'm just to bind/stupid, but earlier I somehow had that option - IIRC

can anyone tell me, if I do something wrong here?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

preface: it seems pictures made with the Pixel 7 Pro aren't shown correctly as an image post, but only in the post body or comment, when inserted.

as it seems that it's not the file size, I've now cleaned the meta data from the image with 'exiftool -all=remove'

edit: surprisingly that didn't work. here the link to the uploaded image:

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