I can see this post, I can see other posts on your profile too
Sopuli's Default Community
Community for all jibber-jabber. As this is a hard-coded community for every instance, we may get this doing something useful.
Simple test posts to [email protected]
Meta-discussion regarding the instance and support in problem situations [email protected]
Yhteisö kaikenlaiselle pälätykselle. Koska tämä on kovakoodattu yhteisö jokaiselle instanssille, voimme tehdä tällä ehkä jotain hyödyllistä.
Yksinkertaiset testiviestit mielellään [email protected]
Instanssia koskeva metakeskustelu ja tuki ongelmatilanteissa [email protected]
thank you very much!!
it's still doesn't show up on my profile, but at least it's somehow here ;-)
I'm on lemmy.world, can see this post, and when I go to your profile I can see even more posts (nice orange cat!). So at the very least your profile when viewed from lemmy.world has all your posts visible (the URL is included in the following photo of your profile):
thank you very much!
something isn't working on my side it seems. I can't see my posts and I partially can't even answer to comments, it seems.
well, maybe Lemmy takes a bit to sync...