I’m not sure who they are so I can’t say. But remember everyone is on their own fitness journey at different stages. You have to start somewhere that makes sense for you. If you’re concerned, do what you can at home or early when there are less people around. Hiring a PT can help, it will be obvious you are new. I’ve found for the most part, people are respectful, and those that aren’t, well that says more about them, so who cares what they think.
If you think liberals are left wing I have some bad news for you.
Lower back pain is often the result of reduced mobility in the hips and thoracic spine. Mobility exercises apparently are the answer. I have not experienced this issue myself.
You shouldn’t be attempting to lift so much that injury is possible with incorrect form. Assume your form will be off, and select an appropriate weight for your skill. It’s not just about muscles, it’s your nervous system and grip as well. So for attempting a deadlift, start with a broomstick, no joke. Watch starting strength on you tube. Video yourself from multiple angles. Once you think you have it down, try with a bare barbell, but elevate it to begin. It’s all about slow progression and adaptation. There is some online coaching that you can send videos of your form to. But it’s best to seek out a good PT in person.
My knee pain was caused by two issues- tight IT band and heel striking while running. The pain sounds different than yours, was very evident on stairs. To fix this I did 2 things : switched to barefoot style running about 12 years ago - zero drop shoes, wide toe box, mid foot strike, shorter stride, and added IT band stretching to my post run stretch routine. I have no knee issues now.
Careful CTV your conservative slant is showing.
Anyone booting to Linux on an M1 for gaming?
False. I’ve won, you just need to be good enough to become a Tetris Master. Keep practicing! ;)