I completely agree. I highly recommend watching Band of Brothers and skipping the Pacific. Good choice on Haunting of Hill House. I love that episode with the long uncut camera shot (Two Storms). I’ll check out the other two.
I agree retirement is probably a pipe dream, but I wonder how many of these articles are propaganda populated to get us to YOLO the savings into spending, thus boosting the economy.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were so sensitive” is my response to these types IRL.
The builder, Alan. “It’s electric, that van”.
“I'm saying that Stonewall Jackson was trash himself. Him and Lee and the rest of them rebs” - Shane (1953)
“E-biking is not a crime” put that on a sticker and sell millions of them. This one is on me.
They’d be right at home at .ml
the next world war might claim a billion or more
That’s still just 1 out of 8. You’d barely notice.
Edit: Doubling down on the downvotes. Here my proposition – an even split between China, India and the US. That leaves China and India at just over 1B each and the US to 12M, which is fair.
I understand the day shifters like to see the sun when they get out of work, but I’d rather not fight the flaming bastard when I wake up.
I love winter.
Do something about it.
The Canucks are pissed.
Coffee is technically bean soup, bean broth actually.