
joined 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago

Yyyep, that sounds pretty standard fare (no pun intended), I've lived mostly in abstract neighborhoods in terms of infrastructure and had to chase rides in a grand majority of cases.

Plus, honestly, even the way it handled the construction jam sounds acceptable, reminds me of my first days of learning to drive. As long as they stop and stay stopped, that's way better than deciding to ignore the sensor data and just go for it, like... some other models...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago

Genuinely a relief to hear, thank you!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 23 hours ago

As snarky as my initial comment may sound (even to me, I have by-proxy distrust of contemporary models due to their knobhead owners), I'm genuinely glad to hear they figured that one out! At least there's less danger for everyone around, at the VERY least.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (1 children)

Very much this... Honestly, we should've rebranded to Romerica starting with the 90s given just how much we have been blindly following their lead...

And I'm not saying this as an insult to America, believe it or not, as this very thing stands as an insult to our nation's entire history. Ffs, even our anthem has been telling us to go our own way!

Edit: the current turmoil would be the perfect opportunity to split from these sickly influences and to finally establish ourselves as a European nation (idealistically, not... realistically, so to speak...). We'd have so much to offer if we'd just replace the people and systems which are in place exclusively to syphon money from our country with people and systems which would function with the sole interest of developing the country itself for the benefit of the citizenry.

And by this I mean pretty much the exact opposite of what Trump's doing. We need people. We've been losing great minds left and right because living in this place is such a fucking needless headache 75% of the time, we need to change that. And we need to make this place welcoming instead of tightening the belt like idiots...

This whole economic downfall has never been a Right or Left-Wing issue, it's been a "shitheads are running the game for their own interests" issue...

[–] [email protected] -1 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)
[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago (7 children)

How are they with parking lots, tho'?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

That awkward moment when I've been holding my mouth open for 30 minutes and my upper lip starts twitching, which causes anxiety because I must look like I'm losing my mind, so it worsens when trying to control it.

Rule (

I dunno...

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

Deer confirmed as reptilian invaders from space, noted.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I'd say we can safely count it as a grift if someone gets paid for spreading inaccuracies, which then motivates them to not bother correcting themselves, yes.

Antelope - Shapes (
[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 days ago

Why would you do that to yourself?:(

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

You're very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!

In addition, if you're looking for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!


The best high-intensity chase-and-combat song which has never been used in a chase-and-combat scene (afaik).


Not the official vid, seems to be absent from YT.


So, got in yesterday to check out the new update, prepped everything for the new missions, then headed onto KIM before starting to play, to get the chats out of the way.

I've been dating Lettie since first possible, kept the relationships through the resets. She had an unread message, opened it, asked me what would take me away from her. I went for the full-on romantic option, she instantly dumps me, and now acts insulted if I ask her to date me again.

Truth is, I can't complain about this, it's believable. I've been subjected to this kind of vehement and impulsive behaviour many times before, and it doesn't suck any less this time, so it has to be realistic. But, man, did it put me off playing this game, to be very honest. Just made me want to get away from the mess.


First off, didn't know if I should post this here, or over on the mental health board. Being focused on the interpersonal, though, I'll slap it here. Please lemme know if I should take it outside.

Second, and as a preface (maybe even the main hint I should've taken, but we'll see later on), I'm looking for a nuanced answer. I have been told that "I should go vegan if I'm allergic to veal" a lot of times before, but to my mind it's way too vehement a change for something which, as dictated by my gut, holds more nuance than that. I know it's not the standard way of doing things, but it's how I want to try to do them for now, at least.

Thirdly, I say everything from my perspective, I state solely my opinion, and draw conclusions exclusively based on my limited set of experiences, so please don't take anything I say as universally applicable or as supreme truth, because I don't, either.

So, ok, onward to the thick of it. It's about my pattern in attraction and in choosing potential partners. So far, I've primarily ended up in pretty toxic relationships, even when consciously and actively seeking something healthier as guided by my therapists. It's usually been the anxious <> avoidant dance with varying comorbid ancillaries such as reciprocally triggering each others' trauma responses, codependent <> BPD, etc., etc.

Now, my problem with all of this is that while I can recognise the mismatches and pain points when I see them - I've, unfortunately, become familiar with the dynamics of this situation, as well as the plethora of tiny little variations brought about by the different typologies of trauma clusters, I seem to be attracted primarily to characteristics which, so far, seem to be a package deal with the aforementioned unpleasantness. Even called out several incoming landmines to my therapists based on instinct in some previous relationships, which meant I started to manage avoiding the shitstorm which inevitably occurs at one point as this type of dynamic unfolds.

To note that I keep an eye out for red flags, as realistically and as attentively as possible, because I have physical abuse on my Bingo card and really don't want to have to go through hiding sharp things in my house so that my partner won't have easy access to any again. I really want something safe for myself, if anything at all, and am genuinely trying. But this shit pops up even months later, with no outward signs beforehand, and I have no idea how to account for things I can't see.

This, then, is my question: am I intrinsically attracted to that which harms me like a magnet, unconsciously, do I have fuck-me-up-dar? Or is there a possibility of having the cake and eating it, too, like, meet someone who is thoroughly fucked up (as am I), but who is keeping it in check? Because, yes, I am attracted to the existential grit brought about by hardships. I like someone with dirty hands, someone who has good reasons to not be optimistic or generally cheerful, someone who has seen the things beneath the flesh and is now knee-deep in the abyss. Being miserable together is beautiful and nothing can dissuade me of it. Can the two exist separately?

Because I tried going for the "safer" people and, without the slightest intent of condescension, it always ended up feeling very platonic on my end. It felt like interacting with an immense innocence and I couldn’t allow myself to unfold, as it would’ve been like exposing dandelions to high levels of radiation to my mind. I couldn’t reach romance, as my romance is inextricably and irredeemably influenced by who I am. My love, though sincere, is tarnished and more than a bit charred. And I don’t want to be a loved one’s harsh reality, that is one role which I wholeheartedly avoid playing. Which is why I seek someone likewise tarnished and more than a bit charred. I even tried “same, but different,” in which personality varied greatly from my base while still presenting some behavioural common ground, and I ended up receiving the aforementioned physical abuse…

I also welcome (and thank you for) any other insights you may have pertaining to this situation, even if not directly related to my question!


Spoiler: they're very old.

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