Genuinely a relief to hear, thank you!
As snarky as my initial comment may sound (even to me, I have by-proxy distrust of contemporary models due to their knobhead owners), I'm genuinely glad to hear they figured that one out! At least there's less danger for everyone around, at the VERY least.
Very much this... Honestly, we should've rebranded to Romerica starting with the 90s given just how much we have been blindly following their lead...
And I'm not saying this as an insult to America, believe it or not, as this very thing stands as an insult to our nation's entire history. Ffs, even our anthem has been telling us to go our own way!
Edit: the current turmoil would be the perfect opportunity to split from these sickly influences and to finally establish ourselves as a European nation (idealistically, not... realistically, so to speak...). We'd have so much to offer if we'd just replace the people and systems which are in place exclusively to syphon money from our country with people and systems which would function with the sole interest of developing the country itself for the benefit of the citizenry.
And by this I mean pretty much the exact opposite of what Trump's doing. We need people. We've been losing great minds left and right because living in this place is such a fucking needless headache 75% of the time, we need to change that. And we need to make this place welcoming instead of tightening the belt like idiots...
This whole economic downfall has never been a Right or Left-Wing issue, it's been a "shitheads are running the game for their own interests" issue...
How are they with parking lots, tho'?
That awkward moment when I've been holding my mouth open for 30 minutes and my upper lip starts twitching, which causes anxiety because I must look like I'm losing my mind, so it worsens when trying to control it.
Deer confirmed as reptilian invaders from space, noted.
I'd say we can safely count it as a grift if someone gets paid for spreading inaccuracies, which then motivates them to not bother correcting themselves, yes.
Why would you do that to yourself?:(
You're very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!
In addition, if you're looking for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!
Yyyep, that sounds pretty standard fare (no pun intended), I've lived mostly in abstract neighborhoods in terms of infrastructure and had to chase rides in a grand majority of cases.
Plus, honestly, even the way it handled the construction jam sounds acceptable, reminds me of my first days of learning to drive. As long as they stop and stay stopped, that's way better than deciding to ignore the sensor data and just go for it, like... some other models...