I'm good with the TSA being destroyed. That was just pork barrel politics and security theater from the start.
The question is would oz have been better?
Live close enough to a ski resort to ride my snowboard. Or kayak if the local creek is up. Maybe mountain bike as a last resort. Work on the camper van.
Freedom Fries
How about treason?
Replaceable screen and battery. Actually being able to drop in a new radio would be nice too. I only gave up my op7t because no 5g.
Fuck people who didn't vote over that. Like it or not, we have a two party system, and not voting was a vote for the current state of affairs.
I'm too lazy to be problematic, so yeah. Never doing laundry would be nice. Wear once. Recycle.
Here's an idea. Take out the pieces that inflate costs, provide no actual healthcare, and make ridiculous profits.
Borg for files. Proxmox snapshots for the VMs.
Tired of it being everybody else's job to "protect the children" rather than their parents.
Boo friggity hoo.