Most lethal for whom?
I bet all the people here ignoring the funny to give the same explanation feel very smart today
Meta sucks on the whole but I love my Quest 3.
I never knew “foundered” was a word. I thought the article misspelled “floundered.” Pretty interesting.
The big problem with a gov shutdown is, somehow, the US populace can sniff out who caused it (according to a politics podcast I listen to.) So if democrats collectively stood their ground it very likely would have looked bad for them, not republicans.
I honestly don’t know which outcome, shutdown or no, would have been better. Like others are saying, supposedly a shutdown government would have also given Trump/Musk power to do things without congressional oversight. It’s a shitty situation either way.
Not to defend Musk, but there are plenty of examples of money destroying someone’s life. I’m thinking primarily lottery winners. Just because one person successfully adjusted to it doesn’t mean it’s easy and everyone can.
Of course Musk is a special case where he ruins other people’s lives with his wealth but that’s not my point.
Hell yes!! Rogue City was an incredible love letter to RoboCop fans. I can’t wait to play more
As someone with a shitload of hours in TF2, TF2C was a breath of fresh air. I really enjoyed having everything stripped back to basics, no cosmetics, and only a small handful of alternate weapons per class. Can’t wait to see how much further they can take this mod now that they have full control.
The smell of wet rocks or the smell of water straight from the garden hose. I can’t explain it.
Netflix was always a paid service though. I don’t know if people will want to pay for something they’ve had for free for over a decade, especially if the free subreddits will still exist.
I’d also imagine that for any paid subreddit, someone will make a free version with similar content.
Goddamn Felicity in Arrow pissed me off. That show grew to have a lot of problems, but she was an especially terrible part of it.