
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

She is surprisingly compliant.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

But it is so on brand

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Which ones kick my ass in math?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Where is my 'secret hidden door falls off mid flight' square?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

It was probably more of a general position of doing whatever needed to be done. They likely wanted the prestige of having some one so famous and competitive associated with the shop. That is typical still with high end shops; sponsor a few of the best local racers and your shop gets known quickly within that scene.

Looking at he pic, the hats were the "club" aspect of that shop, like a kit or jersey would be for a shop now.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You legend! Thanks for your contributions.

I'm so nervous about attempting to do pull requests. It is the first time I've ever really considered doing so, and it opens me up to certain vulnerabilities that could have real world consequences.

There are a lot of oddities I don't understand like the mechanism for a terrain connection across z-layers, how the pickaxe mines a rock_large and terrain, the total scope of why a spear or other melee weapon is so fundamentally different from firearms when it comes to attaching mods, or even things like why most items in JSON are so scattered across multiple files for menu namespaces, construction, use, and uncrafting. Anyways, it is daunting to wrap my head around and feel any kind of confidence when I'm entirely self taught and never share my ugly scripts or code. I've probably reinvented so many square wheels that there is no point in sharing, or so it feels some times.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Reading, instrument, cooking, woodworking, painting - lol cars, airbrush, graphics..., writing - I have a whole sci-fi universe, gardening, photography, astronomy, I can fab nearly anything.

I'm just partially disabled, live under a rock, and need a rich girl to take care of me in exchange for a ton of love. I don't even bother looking, but if you're in SoCal, hit me up lol, I'm still a 30-something until tomorrow.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

Great! What is Stable Diffusion 3 doing when they swap a whole tensor layer when the T5xxl LLM is loaded in ComfyUI? That has been driving me nuts for months now. They don't use a LoRA, or custom model for alignment and there is some funky stuff happening in the model loader code and behavior. The layer swap see to be part of alignment, but I am dumfounded when it comes to breaking that down to something I can figure out.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Protect things you have 1 of the most. If a helmet has MIPS like cycling get it. You're unlikely to crash like me on a bicycle totaling SUV's, but with head/spinal injuries, every fraction of a second is critical. I was a very close fraction from dead in my major crash 10 years ago.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I wouldn't use superglue. I would worry about it rubbing on the tube over time. Keep in mind, everything in there moves around a lot more than it seems at first. That was the selling point for old latex tubes; they cause less friction inside as the tire deforms at the rolling surface, (in addition to weight savings over butyl rubber tubes). The purpose in rim tape is to prevent the tube from contacting the inner edges of the spoke nipple holes as it flexes. Once the tube and tire are mounted and pressurized, it will hold everything in place, so long as the tape is the right width. Most factory wheels come with a plastic band and no adhesive because anything that collects junk in the rim is bad. I use these bands and a bit of talcum powder between the tube/tire/rim. This reduces the chance for pinch flats. Some tubes actually come in a talcum powder pouch for this reason as well. Generally, the cloth rim tape will stick to itself better than the rim.


I'm coming across stuff on the emacs wiki like Project Buffer Mode and SLN Mode

Are these old packages like everything else in Linux; not relevant or usable any more? I'm not sure if "just try them" is the right idea here, or even how to go about doing that (yet). Do you have any other suggestions or options? I'm trying to see the project view of the open source game Cataclysm DDA. They seem to be using a Windows system for development now and I'm seeing several little elements that are not getting compiled the same between their builds and what make produces with GCC. Perhaps the stuff in the project files would reveal more detail. (learning, but this is over my head and outside of my comfort zone)


I figure I would share this one more time. The thing is so handy I put it on my desktop but the original is blinding white and 1.5:1 aspect ratio. This is a quick recolor and resize to 16:9. There is a 90px margin on top that is sized for the GNOME header so that the content remains visible. Sorry if this post seems redundant. For me, having this reminder to keep trying to use Emacs is just the motivation I need to open a file in Emacs instead of just using gedit quickly.

::: spoiler bonus tip! On Fedora 40, if you have darkmode set to the default in GNOME, GNU Emacs does not follow the darkmode styling directive for the menu bar. I spent forever trying to make this work in darkmode. If the app is launched using $ GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark emacs it will start with the menu bar set to dark mode.

However there is a script that actually launches Emacs in /user/bin/emacs-desktop. If you open that file and modify it by adding export GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark emacs just before the last line, it will launch with darkmode enabled. This is the entire contents of that file:


# The pure GTK build of emacs is not supported on X11, so try to avoid
# using if there is an alternative.

if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = 'x11' ]; then
    case "$(readlink -f /usr/bin/emacs)" in
        if type emacs-gtk+x11 >/dev/null; then
            exec emacs-gtk+x11 "$@"
        elif type emacs-lucid >/dev/null; then
            exec emacs-lucid "$@"

export GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark emacs
exec emacs "$@"

I'm not claiming it is the right way. It just worked when I tried it.


What is the CS / uni goto course for this, or what really clicked for you?


... except nonmetals... maybe dark matter

Technically, dihydrogen... but then hydrogen is an exception... over thinking it...


Seems helpful for noobs like me.


Early wannabe EE aspires to stuff too much into too little and gets carried away. I actually got sidetracked with a dumb idea of making complex animations on a character display, called the thing "Juice Box," set it up to play the Mario theme song on a piezo and did a whole intro thing that kinda took away my motivation to program the voltage monitoring and digital potentiometer, or something like that. I forget what the hiccup was exactly. This was back when I was still willing and naively going through massive physical ups and downs with disability from my broken neck/back. I probably put it away in one of the 3-6 week stretches without much sleep at all and never managed to come back to it. It is the same story with most of my hardware projects, and why I may seem quite capable, but will readily admit I'm pretty much useless in my physical shape overall.


I felt clunky doing NVIM and could never remember hotkeys for once a week -ish in-situ functional learning. Like I jump in FreeCAD for a few days, come back, and I can't recall a hotkey combo I only used once.

I think I can use Emacs lisp for some actual project goals with AI and other microcontroller projects involving FORTH, that I've never been able to figure out, and code complexity management issues I've never overcome. I still want the menu bar and am really unsure if the evil key bindings are for me. I would probably find it useful if I knew the vim bindings in situations like OpenWRT with busybox only, but it was the extreme complexity of navigating nvim help and key bindings that I found so useless to learn in-situ. Help me navigate this please. I'm being indecisive in a bad way about how to make this pretty, and get it configured.


I never did fit it into the final enclosure despite ridiculous plans that were almost as overcomplicated as my etch mask art.


Printed button details for good engagement and function are hard. Didn't have an ideal wiring multi conductor available. Solid proje is maturing well with 2 years of dust.


Edit: made it [email protected]

I don't mean work in progress stuff. I mean a place of glory for the unshareable, the embarrassments, the failures, the projects you shelved years ago but won't restart or let go of entirely; preferably with a humorous meme twist or mascot. Am I the only one that would find this therapeutic and interesting? Ideas?

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