What is that?
The problem is that Americans refuse to unite and organize. That’s why lone wolf shit works - you don’t need to get everybody on board and fight through decades of propagandized minds to get there. You bring up France - France does not have Americas unique problems. What happens in America would never fly in France, they’re willing to burn their whole country down in riots if they need to. Here in America most people are class traitors and have mush for brains because of the insane torrent of endless propaganda. I wish we were like France!
Even organized groups - look at the civil rights movement, or the environmental and animal rights movements. The FBI assassinated civil rights leaders, and there are animal and environmental rights activists in jail with life sentences on terrorism charges (pre 9/11!) for daring to free farm and research lab animals or trying to stop logging of old growth forests by occupying the tree tops.
It’s crystal clear that it’s ok to most Americans for the state to violently repress us, but if we dare fight back even peacefully we’re beaten to shit and worse. France has solidarity, america does not.
Edit - I forgot to respond to this point and feel it’s important enough to come back to:
Now, don't just go around and shoot people because you have been wrongdoed, that won't help anyone.
My father being tortured and murdered for profit isn’t simple wrongdoing. It’s not like a partner cheated on me or I lost my job or a friend turned out to be not a real friend. I’ve had all those things happen and for the most part I’ve been peaceful. What happened to my dad however isn’t a one off thing, its how the system operates. there are likely thousands if not millions of people in “care” homes right now being essentially tortured and abused. Left to rot in soiled clothes, full of bed sores, declining health that needs more intensive care than a care home can provide yet they essentially are human traffickers and keep people there against their will or wellbeing. For profit. You see, if you need the care of a hospital, you won’t get it, because then the care home can’t bill insurance for your stay. I don’t want to get too deep into what my dad went through but it hit all of those points and then some. He was livestock to them, not a person but a resource to be exploited. After he died we sued for malpractice and got a pittance. Enough $ to buy a car. My dad was worth more than a fucking car!
The owner of the care facility (with complaints in numerous states and litigation in at least two) has so far only been given slaps on the wrist in the form of fines. Fines are just the cost of doing business to these parasites and are passed off to the consumer anyway. There needs to be jail time for the rich, not just fines. If this guy goes to jail (he won’t) then there is justice and I won’t need revenge.
This legit came up in convo last night between two other friends and myself. Ones a very close friend and the other is her friend who I’ve been friendly with for years but don’t really know very well although I know we’re all aligned against capitalism to varying extents (as usual I’m always the most extreme, but traumatize someone enough and that’s what they become).
Anyway st Luigi came up in conversation. They’re talking about how it’s understandable and the guy is not a sympathetic victim but murdering for ideology is wrong.
I lose my shit. Oh murdering for ideology is wrong but social murder for profit is acceptable?! Oh we should try to reform this system? Oh that’s where I should direct my anger to, looking into organizations that are “working on it?” Omfg liberals. Even the progressive ones. Even the ones I love dearly. They just don’t get it. if peaceful reform was possible we would of done it already (and no, shut the fuck up about obamacare, it’s garbage and just a handout to insurance companies). You can’t take down a masters house with his tools! The capitalist captured government system we have does not allow for meaningful reform. make peaceful reform impossible and violent revolution is inevitable. It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism, well here we are. Luigi fired the first shot on our side, it’s time for more people to step up.
Anyway. The guy who owns the facility my dad was tortured and killed by? He owns a whole bunch more. Even better? He’s been accused of being a fucking slaver! apparently in one of his care homes he has Filipino indentured servants. And he’s a Zionist, cherry on top of the shit sundae of people who deserve to be six feet in the ground just like my dad who didn’t deserve what he went through.
My moms still alive and I am responsible to care for her as she ages. But once she’s off this planet (and she’s in good health so it will be a while, but I’ve been feeling this way for the last 13 years, wanting revenge, I have a lot of flaws but a lack of patience isn’t one of them) if that guy still exists I’ll add to the list of CEOs being deposed.
Reform doesn’t work. Violence does.
My friends of course are horrified. Whatever. I have very left to live for at this point.
Me: dad is tortured and murdered by capitalism in a surgical rehab facility
Mom and me: suffer
Therapists: talking in circles going nowhere for a long time until I quit because it’s not helping and the drugs prescribed make it worse
Me: 🙃
My thoughts: Obsessively thinks about Green Mario
Another use of undermine is when there’s flood and a river gets a ton of water going through it, it can undermine an overpass and take a bridge out without even going over it.
Dylan roof got Burger King and Luigi is facing terrorism charges and the death penalty.
Rhetorical question.
Lemmy is a liberal echo chamber as seen by the support for the do nothing democrats.
They lose elections intentionally. People are fed up and don’t give a shit about government or democracy anymore. Dangerous times ahead. We’re going towards more violence.
And our rulers are entirely responsibility for making peaceful reform impossible violence will become inevitable.
Idk why you got downvoted is the sarcasm not obvious unless one puts a /s
Once upon a time people believed in the divine right of kings. We’re overdue for a reckoning.
It’s the same as Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Nazi comments stay up, comments countering them with bad no no words get deleted. I’m not censoring myself when it’s clear who liberals side with - fascists. Always has been.
Honestly - and I’m asking this in good faith - why do we need a federal department of education? Every state has their own department of education and sets their own standards anyway. Is it not redundant? Do they do something special? The only thing I can recall that was federal education related was no child left behind which destroyed education and just led to children passing grades that can’t read, write or do basic math. And of course the federal student loan program, which is just the government profiteering off its youth.
Note how I’m not asking why we need the FDA. There’s not even a question about how we need it. Arguably, we need more of it.