
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

One nice thing about KDE compared to most of the other DEs is that the window manager (kwin) is separate from the underlying components, and it can be replaced!

There are many walkthroughs like this one out there:

You get i3 for tiling window management but you still get to use KDE's system settings to do configuration like display settings, themes keyboard shortcuts, etc, just like you did before. You can also pick and choose which parts of the KDE desktop you want to keep (menu, krunner, etc)

Since i3 is just a window manager and is lacking all of that system level stuff it really rounds out i3 to feel like a full DE instead of having to piece together other tools to do those things.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago (5 children)

It's presumably to give you legal ground to sue if some corporation scrapes Lemmy content and uses it to train AI, or whatever other commercial purpose.

Hopefully if enough people do it they would consider the dataset too risky to use. They could try and parse out comments that have that license statement but if any get missed somehow they open themselves up to lawsuits.

That would force them to instead pay for content from somewhere that has a EULA forcing the users to hand over copyright regardless of what they put in their posts (i.e. Reddit).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Assuming you mean hot plugged devices (thumb drives and external drives) KDE mounts them under /media

If you are expecting them to auto mount, KDE distros often don't have that enabled by default. Though I think Kubuntu has that enabled by default now so maybe that has changed. Go to System Settings -> Hardware -> Removable Devices to adjust the automount settings defaults and per drive settings.

If you don't have automount enabled you probably will need to browse to them in Dolphin once to get KDE to mount the drive first.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

There is a free fan made remake of the shooter.

Unfortunately while EA seems fine with them distributing this as long as it is free, they won't allow them to put it on Steam.

I haven't played it in a couple of years so I don't know if there are still active servers but it is a very good remake.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

That probably would work well for those closer to the equator.

But for those in the 100 minutes zone of this map that would mean going to work at 6:30am in the summer (assuming we are using civil twilight as "sunrise"), and 9:30AM in the winter which is much more of a swing than daylight savings puts on us, but at least it is a gradual one.

For those above the Arctic Circle, they just work 24/7 for a couple of weeks in the summer but get a similar time off in the winter ;)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Digitizer issues are usually from getting the wrong digitizer. They are programmed differently for the HAC-001(-01) (v2 classic switch) vs the HAC-001 (v1 classic switch).

More specifically the game card reader board that the digitizer plugs into needs to match. So make sure you buy your digitizer to match the game card reader version, or buy a game card reader to go with it (you can get them for ~$14). Unfortunately many digitizer sellers on eBay don't say which model it is designed for.

Alternatively you can mix and match those versions if you have an unpatched/modded switch. Just launch Hekate, go to tools and run the digitizer calibration.

I haven't repaired too many switches but the first time it happened to me I had a spare v2 game card reader and that fixed it immediately. Second time I used the Hekate method and that worked just as well

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