It's simpler than that. They have literally no idea what tax incidence even is, and think the government just decides who the burden falls on.
Low inflation statistics have been helped significantly by cheaper electronics. So everybody who voted Trump to lower inflation is in for a surprise.
It's not a single man. They have the Supreme Court, the Senate, possibly the House, and your local cops after hours. Vance is praying for his chance to rule.
The loss of our infrastructure before we've built up decentralized alternatives will cause senseless deaths.
it wasn't close
police would shoot us
"You're a Russian bot sowing division! These shills will disappear after the election."
Waiting is never a good strategy.
How can hope be both irrational and valid?
How out of touch do you have to be to think the economy is good?
Liberals measure the health of the economy by Gross Domestic Product (which has been going up), and Consumer Price Index (which includes big-screen TVs). You'd have to dismantle everything they paid to learn in college econ.
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
Trump got more votes than every other party combined. I blame the Trump voters.
The right was unified behind their belief that the election was stolen from Trump, and wanted him put back in power.
The left can't agree on leadership at all, and doesn't think this election was any more stolen than it was in 2000/2016.
It won't be the last vote. Elections will just become more and more of a sham as Republicans restore white "democracy". But the show won't end, and it'll be hard to say where we reached the point of no return. IMHO it could have been as early as Nixon.
Man, I wish. One temper tantrum away from green transit for America.