What is your actual point without sarcasm?
Is the national organization still anti-atheist? (NOT local chapters that oh-so-generously look the other way)
The difference is that expecting the candidate to change was a realistic expectation, while expecting the voters to change was not.
Trump won both times because he departed from GOP ideology, not his voters. Harm reduction doesn't get voters to the polls.
This isn't about you and me. A campaign centered around "stop this person" is just less effective than one centered around "let's start doing this".
There is talk of getting rid of birth control. Don't wait until it's too late.
In exit polls, voters cared much more about the economy than those issues. They're just really bad at economics.
Man, I wish. One temper tantrum away from green transit for America.
It's simpler than that. They have literally no idea what tax incidence even is, and think the government just decides who the burden falls on.
Low inflation statistics have been helped significantly by cheaper electronics. So everybody who voted Trump to lower inflation is in for a surprise.
It's not a single man. They have the Supreme Court, the Senate, possibly the House, and your local cops after hours. Vance is praying for his chance to rule.
The loss of our infrastructure before we've built up decentralized alternatives will cause senseless deaths.
It's a repeat of a historical experiment, and he's fiddling while it burns.