And they aired porn of his wife
Bluff has been called. They'd be stupid to nuke an upwind country they want to conquer anyways.
That answers my question, I meant the latter.
I assume they're robbing their employees. Whenever possible I do a stealthy hand-off.
If they want to get involved then they can pay their employees more. If they're leaving it up to me, then it's literally none of their business.
Understood, sorry to imply that you were.
Hot take: They're trying to force all nonprofit activity onto crypto. You can only donate if it makes their donors richer.
"Here's your tip in cash. Remember to not report it."
I would've pulled off the tape for spite.
Every Windows apologist: "I will keep current on the hacks to fix it forever, easy."
I'm glad I invested the time learning Linux before I had kids and now have no time for anything.
Do you mean using your existing Windows install, or installing it from scratch?
BSD is more open towards being closed.
Hey now, pledging allegiance to an inanimate object makes way more sense.