[-] [email protected] 1 points 38 minutes ago

I mean I thought the use of instant mashed potatoes were pretty interesting! I made the black bean patties and they came out good, but I put them on a home made bun so it wasn't such a small meal. and I'll probably try the pie but with more veggies!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 39 minutes ago

I mean... if you're on a super tight budget, like $1 a day, you will be getting most of your calories from:






Then a couple cents a meal for flavor.

So yeah, on a super tight budget if your only source of food is that $1, probably not. Instead of getting that dinky little can of veggies I would probably go for split peas personally, since they are pretty cheap and calorie dense. But mostly sharing cause I thought they were interesting vegan recipe bases that can be added too. The patties tasted good to me and the pie will be good with more veggies I think!

Hopefully anyone who is on such a low budget will have access to a food pantry or some other resources to assist though.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago

Let's do some math then!

The box of mashed potatoes has 2,720 calories dry lentils 1430 2 cans black beans 770 1 can mixed veggies 100 1 can tomatoes 100

... yeah you're right, you're gonna lose some weight that week, but the high fiber beans/lentils may keep yourself from feeling it. The mashed potato's are yummy, but take up way too much of the budget for the calories.

submitted 15 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

She's super creative with instant mashed potato's and using them makes:

Potato patties

Black bean burgers

Shepard's pie

I actually made some black bean burgers using the recipe and they came out great!

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TLDR: Looking for a 3+ wheeled vehicle that can be locked up like a bike and maybe taken on a bus.

So my sister has health issues that means she can't drive/get a license, and that she'd most likely fall over on a scooter. She mostly walks/busses around, but the bus system is closed on sundays and makes life difficult.

So yeah, wondering if there is anything that would be allowed on sidewalks/bike lanes with 3+ wheels and a bit more speed than walking so she can increase her range that she can get to, but like be able to be chained to a bike rack.

IDK bit of a stretch, but maybe you all know something!

[-] [email protected] 11 points 6 days ago

I'm annoyed that worked.

I had already reset the CMOS, but this time after installing it with the PSU off and battery out I went and had dinner.

I am now fully upgraded and running!

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

BIOS version: 6332





According to part picker the cpu should work with version 5862

So it seats nicely and machine powers on, but then the lights on my mouse/keyboard flash on, then off. Then after about a minute the PC turns off.

According to part picker my power supply can handle what I have attached with the new CPU, but I don't really know how to test that.

Already took out the cmos battery and reset.

Putting in my old cpu works just fine, so I didn't brick anything.

Any ideas?

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I make gravy for potatoes/rice using bouillon cubes, but IDK what to put over my biscuits!

Any suggestions? (preferably on cheaper side so can eat it on the regular)

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

According to research ending every call with "Have I resolved all your issues?" Reduces how often people call back.

But yeah if you want to upgrade your product, it takes 5 inbound calls because of the steps. All but the last one could be automated.

I got yeeted.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

That's all.

Today there was construction on the road and a ton of cars were stuck.

Then whenever there is an event at a nearby park I zoom on by them as all the cars get stuck.

Just realized how overly pleased I was when the person stopped all the cars, and I just was like... oh look, nothing is being done in my lane.

EDIT: Oh and I can get to my closet grocery store faster than a car by cutting through a parking lot cars can't get into simply because doing so avoids having to do a left turn onto a super busy road. Joyful, every time. More traffic at that light, the better I feel.

Glad to hear others are as petty as me!

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently got Walk Scape which is a rune scape inspired game, but you do things by walking and just reads from the google analytics on your walking distance, so no gps and doesn't care where you go, just that you walk. So like to mine something, you take 10 steps, and so on. Also really nice that if you complete your current task, your steps are stored. So you don't have to do things while on the walk, you pick stuff to do before you walk, and then check in after. Really enjoying it!

Also got an app called Macadam, which gives you prizes for walking. But the model is kinda annoying because you'll get 25 coins for walking 2,500 steps in a day, but then you'd get like 5k for doing surveys and 10k for "playing partner games". So it feels a bit just like a mist play clone with a pedometer.

I didn't like games like pokemon go because the best way to play was always just to drive to a good place and hang out there. Also it required you to stop while on your walk.

Curious if there are any other fun walking games!

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I'm a hobbyist game developer for years whose day job is writing reports/troubleshooting database issues with MSSQL.

I'm a bit over half way through a CS bachelors degree!

I'm aware of three ways to get experience to help me find a job once I graduate, and wondering if one is superior to the others, or if there is another way!

  1. Personal projects. There is a very large programming project I've been working on off and on for 2ish years and I feel like after my recent programming classes I can probably start it off right and trash all my previous prototypes.

  2. Work on open source projects. This one is a bit scarier at this point, as I'd have to find one I like, one that is active, one that my skills fit with, one I can get accepted with, etc.

  3. Find entry level freelance things. I'm aware I could maybe do cheap tasks on Fiverr, or sign up for things like Data annotation, to earn a bit of money and have "something" directly related to programming on my resume.

3.5 Could do coding challenges, but most of the ones I've seen don't seem super relevant to making large programs, but solving convoluted puzzles. But would love to hear if there is a site that has more real world challenges.

My personal experience for previous projects (and favorite programming class so far) has been python (shocking I know). Hoping I'll fall in love with C# programming once I get into the advanced classes with it, as I know that pairs much nicer with my MSSQL experience. Oh my game dev has also been in Game Maker, which uses GML, so not superrr helpful experience.

So any thoughts/opinions?

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I rode my eScooter to the allergist today, and I got there super snotty/puffy eyed/raspy. Did the allergy test and sure enough, I'm very allergic to basically ever grass, tree, and weed in the known world.

Allergist straight up said, "Well we knew when you got here" and I was like... guess I'm in the right place! Learned some allergies I wasn't aware of, and got some super important advice about how to manage them. So overall a great visit.

Have you ever had a moment of seeing someone at your job and being like "Oh yeah, you're in the right place."

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My disabled friend just needs to make like $20 a day to afford what she needs.

I know there are a ton of like "fill out surveys to ear money" "play games to earn money" "Do this little task" but all the ones I've found give like... $1 an hour.

I know fiverr is an option, but I dunno if that is consistent enough when she needs to get moving.

Any websites that would let her sidegig when she feels up to it and isn't trash pay?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I really liked games like:

Wurmonline (Never really panned out the way I wanted, last I checked years ago no one really pvp'd)

Salem the Game (Not the popular social deduction game)

Eve Online (I hype fixate hard on Eve so gotta stay away from it. Also the P2W was disgusting)

Rust, but it not being an mmo was always a turn off as individual servers seemed to always have weird issues. Maybe it's better now though.

Any suggestions for MMO's I should check out? I wanna be able to be a little guy and built a little house, then join a group and go raiding. No pay to win stuff if it's possible.

Any good games like that out and about?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

TLDR: 3 year old cat is waking me up every night because he's bored I think. All the toys I've tried have failed and kitten seems very anxious.

About 2 weeks ago my 16 year old cat passed. Despite his age it was a bit of a shock because 2 weeks before his passing he was in for a vet appointment and they said he was in perfect health. I'm mentally still not ok about it, but not the real problem atm.

The problem I'm now dealing with is ever since then, my 3 year old cat wakes me up every night. He just wants me to refill his treat toy, but he never did this before, I also refuse to fill said treat toy until 8 am when I normally wake up. I figure this is why is because as soon as it's 8 AM and I fill his treat toy he happily goes at it and then once his toy is empty he relaxes. So I'm hoping he'll give up and accept that I don't give him treats until morning and refuse to.

I feel like he's just bored since the cat he's been around since he was 6 weeks old is gone and it was his friend. We've tried different toys, but he doesn't care about any play that isn't another person/animal or involves treats.

Like he'll play really friendly with our dog, but our dog sleeps during the night. He also played pretty gently with our old cat, and loves playing with like fishing poles. But I don't think we ever taught him to play by himself since he always had someone to play with and now doesn't. He was a covid kitten that "might" have slept almost all the time in my arms as a kitten because held him for like 8 hours a day and he slept there. Working from home with a young kitten meant he was very spoiled.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 1 month ago

Bikes are the rides of libertarians.

No license

No registration

No taxes through gas

Just hard work and freedom!

[-] [email protected] 72 points 2 months ago

"Comments turned off"

I wonder how long that has been the case!

[-] [email protected] 115 points 2 months ago

Most undocumented immigrants in the US enter legally then never leave.

The idea that most cross the border on foot isn't supported by data.

[-] [email protected] 99 points 5 months ago

Honestly... the idea that they do this work, and the money goes to a school instead of them, makes it even worse to me?

[-] [email protected] 80 points 6 months ago

30 and uhh... half elf. Not full elf. Totally half.

[-] [email protected] 119 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

We use datediff in sql and let God handle the rest.

"Oh but they're in different time zones" "Oh did you account for if one is in day light savings and other isn't" "Aren't some of these dates stored in UTC and some local?"

Are all problems I do not care about.

[-] [email protected] 66 points 8 months ago

Excuse you! I stare at SQL all day tyvm!...

[-] [email protected] 93 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Don't worry, medical care is now government funded in the real world! The taxes you paid prior to falling into a coma covered you.

This is in no way a ploy to get you to wake up so we can put you in the medical work camp because you owe us 17 million dollars.

With love, Kind and gentle Medical industries inc*

*A fully owned subsidy of Nestlé

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